
The latest major release of MySQL is version 5.

Pathway Tools Installation Guide -- Linux and MacOS X (Intel only)

Which version to download? If you have a G5, choose PowerPC bit. If you have any other Mac, choose PowerPC bit. Make sure you are downloading the package version. This will include the friendly OS X Installer interface. Once you have downloaded MySQL and have opened the package, the installation is automatic. Now that you have the 3 main components of a modern web server, it's time to start serving some scripts.

The Apache test page is located in this directory. To access your Database Manager, you can utilise the pre-installed phpMyAdmin. Now create a new user and unique password and give that user permission privileges to access all aspects of the database. More information about using Git for phpBB development is at Git. After unzipping your phpBB download, drag the phpBB3 directory to your localhost web root directory. Since the config. You may now proceed to install phpBB into your localhost using your newly created Database and Database user.

Once installation is complete, edit your config. It is not necessary to remove this directory on your localhost. You have successfully installed phpBB onto your localhost. If you plan on using the SVN versions, you may continue to read the rest of the tutorial. Or see the next step for instructions on updating your phpBB 3. The various update packages are available from Download phpBB.

Jump to: navigation , search. This article is a stub. You can help in improving Olympus Documentation by expanding it. Create a macOS. In most cases you probably want to package a port and all its library and runtime dependencies in a single package. You can use a metapackage to do this. Create one using:. Just as with a single package, a metapackage can also be wrapped in a.

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A port is a distribution of software that can be compiled and installed using MacPorts. A Portfile describes all the required steps such as where to get the source code from upstream, which patches have to be applied and which other tools and commands are required to build the source code. Each port consists of multiple files in a directory, usually within a category subdirectory of the root of a ports tree.

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The MacPorts Project distributes the main ports tree that is by default configured in all installations of MacPorts. This section serves as a reference for the directory structure of a single port and the layout of the files within. The only required file in a port is the Portfile. Every port has a corresponding Portfile, but Portfiles do not completely define a port's installation behavior since MacPorts base has default port installation characteristics coded within it. Therefore Portfiles need only specify required options, though some ports may require non-default options.

A common way for Portfiles to augment or override MacPorts base default installation phase characteristics is by using Portfile phase declaration s. Any statements not contained within a phase declaration, no matter where they are located in a Portfile, are said to be in the global section of the Portfile; therefore the global section need not be contiguous. Likewise, to remove statements from the global section they must be placed within a phase declaration. The default installation phase behavior performed by the MacPorts base works fine for applications that use the standard configure , make , and make install steps, which conform to phases configure, build, and destroot respectively.

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See Example Portfiles below. For a detailed description of all port phases, see the Portfile Reference chapter. Here we list the individual Portfile components for an application that conforms to the standard configure , make , and make install steps of most open source application installs. This should be the first line of a Portfile. It sets the correct editing options for vim and emacs. See Port Style for more information. Its use is optional and up to the port maintainer. A port may belong to more than one category, but the first primary category should match the directory name in the ports tree where the Portfile is to reside.

A port's maintainers are the people who have agreed to take responsibility for keeping the port up-to-date. The maintainers keyword lists the maintainers' GitHub usernames or email addresses, preferably in the obfuscated form which hides them from spambots. For more, see the full explanation of the maintainers keyword in the Global Keywords section of the Portfile Reference chapter. The checksums specified in a Portfile are checked with the fetched tarball for security. For the best security, use rmd and sha checksum types.

Checksums should also include the target file's size. To find the correct checksums for a port's distribution file, follow one of these examples:. In this section we begin by taking a look at a complete simple Portfile; then we see how to augment default phases by defining pre- and post- phases, how to override default phases , and finally how to eliminate port phases.

To augment a port's installation phase, and not override it, you may use pre- and post- installation phases as shown in this example. To override the automatic MacPorts installation phase processing, define your own installation phases as shown in this example. Because many software packages do not use configure , a keyword is provided to eliminate the configure phase. Another exception is the destroot phase may not be eliminated.

See the chapter Portfile Reference for full information. Variants are a way for port authors to provide options that may be invoked at install time. The most common actions for user-selected variants is to add or remove dependencies, configure arguments, and build arguments according to various options a port author wishes to provide.

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Therefore, take care to never use hyphens in variant names. In the example variant declaration below, the configure argument --without-x is removed and a number of others are appended.

Variants are used to specify actions that lie outside the core functions of an application or port, but there may be some cases where you wish to specify these non-core functions by default. Patch files are files created with the Unix command diff that are applied using the command patch to modify text files to fix bugs or extend functionality. If you wish to contribute modifications or fixes to a Portfile, you should do so in the form of a patch.

Follow the steps below to create Portfile patch files. Make a copy of the Portfile you wish to modify; both files must be in the same directory, though it may be any directory. Put the name of the port in the patchfile, for example, Portfile-rrdtool.

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The Portfile patch below will change the version and checksums when applied. Now you may attach the patch file to a MacPorts Trac ticket for the port author to evaluate. Necessary or useful patches to application source code should generally be sent to the application developer rather than the port author so the modifications may be included in the next version of the application. Generally speaking, you should create one patch file for each logical change that needs to be applied.

An example filename would be patch- destdir-variable-fix.