Narkisim - Regular

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Your correspondent can only view the fonts installed on his computer. Better avoid to send a email or an instant message MSN Messenger, etc. Windows is supposed to be able to manage about fonts. But avoid to install too many fonts at one time because that slows down the system. A lot of programs have to load to memory all installed fonts to be able to run. So it is better to put fonts you use regularly in the Fonts folder. The present fonts on this site are freewares or sharewares, sometimes demos, which don't systematically include stressed letters, figures or certain punctuation chars.

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You can check this here by clicking on the fonts to show the characters map. Relaunch the target application after the new font's installation. Make sure to have copied the. In the worst of the cases, reboot your computer.

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  5. Quick Search.
  6. Font release note.
  7. Creating a font requires some technical skills, a lot of inspiration, and the appropriate softwares. In order to learn more about the font creation process, check this: Part 1 Part 2. Publication on this site is not automatic. There is a selection, each font is reviewed before being accepted or not. If it got accepted, you will receive an email once online, otherwise no email is sent. The fonts presented on this website are their authors' property, and are either freeware, shareware, demo versions or public domain.

    So we need to work harder on making the product likeable. My point is: We the Hebrew community need to put much greater emphasis on first-time users than the world community does. Splitting hairs The fact that there are no statistics on LO usage does not suggest the userbase is insignificant. But I agree that the LO usage share is almost certainly lower for Hebrew-speakers than for other languages. But the share is pretty small also in other countries. I don't think your conclusion follows from what you've presented, because LO's user share is very small for other languages as well, meaning that they too must emphasize attractiveness to new users.

    Which brings me to my second point: You're assuming that users' experience with a Word Processor is essentially writing on screen, but in fact their experience involves writing, printing and using the printed document, with the latter being the salient parts of the experience.

    For this reason it's important, IMO, to choose a font family which looks well in print while being reasonably pleasant on screen; and that's the case both for English and for Hebrew. Comment 10 Yousuf Philips jay retired UTC Created attachment [details] mac OS X hebrew fonts Comment 11 Yousuf Philips jay retired UTC Created attachment [details] windows hebrew fonts Comment 12 Yousuf Philips jay retired UTC Created attachment [details] LO's font order for default hebrew font white background - open source fonts that could be shippable grey background - open source fonts that cant be shipped as type 1 fonts are not supported by harfbuzz introduced in LO 5.

    Comment 15 Yousuf Philips jay retired UTC So i'll be tackling the issue of what we should bundle in this comment. It should be chosen based on what is best in Hebrew. We are currently looking into what is best in latin presently bug Well this choice has to be decide for both headings and text, similar to how latin uses sans for headings and serif for text, and also what the best font for headings and text should be.

    The choice of what the best font should be needs to be made both for serif and sans fonts, as even if we went with serif for writer, sans is used in calc and impress.

    How to Install and Manage Fonts in Windows 10’s Settings App

    Also the choice needs to be made in what is the best order for serif and sans fonts depending on what fonts the user has installed. Starting with Word , it uses Calibri for text and Calibri Light for headings. In fact, in order to simplify this, it might not be a bad idea to just depend on the Culmus package when packaging for various OS distros and only bundle them in a standalone download.

    I'm very much against this. We should foster finer use of weights and not cripple the fonts by not bundling their full weight spectrum.

    Lowercase characters

    You're "begging the question" petitio principii - assuming that's it may be different in Hebrew than it is in Latin. Actually, choosing a nice font for headings may be different than choosing one for running text. The bundling choices focus on the former. On the other hand, some work both in both capacities - even against each other, e. That's true. A secondary question, though, if the order can include both serif and sans serif fonts e.

    It feel a bit like monospace with actually being monospaced. About headings - like I said above, I haven't actually given my preference for headings. And I think it would also depend on what's the running text font. Another combination I like, which we can't use, is Narkisim with David - where either one works in my perception as a header font for the other as body font.

    Alef is kind of kind of a "look how clever and innovative I am" kind of a font, and David is more conservative looking conservative in the 20th century sense, not older-Jewish-tradition sense. Not really.

    Fonts narkisim

    I kind of take that back, and it wasn't a strong preference anyway. Nachlieli is just fine. Rubik feels a bit weird as a default but I could live with it. Didnt follow. Yes the order can include both sans and serif if required. This is the order that i've put into my patch. Microsoft YaHei Simplified. NSimSun Simplified. SimSun Simplified. SimSun-ExtB Simplified. SimHei Simplified.

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    Hei Simplified. STSong Simplified. BiauKai Traditional.

    Narkisim Regular font

    MingLiU Traditional. PMingLiU Traditional. Apple LiGothic Traditional. LiHei Pro Traditional. Apple LiSong Traditional. LiSong Pro Traditional. Devanagari Sangam MN lion.

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    Kefa lion. Gujarati Sangam MN lion. Gurmukhi MT. Gurmukhi MN lion. Lucida Grande. Microsoft Sans Serif lion. Miriam Fixed. Courier New. MS Gothic. MS PGothic. MS UI Gothic. MS Mincho. MS PMincho. Kannada MN lion. Kannada Sangam MN lion. Khmer Sangam MN lion. Apple Gothic.