Resetting Lost Mac Passwords with Apple ID

I hit they keys as it was restarting and it never worked.

Reset the password for 10.6 Snow Leopard

This worked for me! I hit it as it was restarting and it never worked, hehe. Silly me. Anyway, everything else worked like an absolute charm! I have followed your suggestions step by step and I am very grateful and very happy with your fantastic help. All works perfectly as before. Very big thank you for your great help. After reboot the grey screen comes on as soon as the progress bar loads, the unit shuts down! Help pls! Well appreciated for this method 2. Been fighting with a locked out MacBook Pro for months. None of the above worked for me.

The single user terminal never came up. What other option, no matter how wild, might work?

how do i reset password on SNOW LEOPARD w… - Apple Community

The above trick works but you must enter into Single User Mode with the proper command sequence on boot, try again. Nothing seems to work. Doing the same with an install DVD in the drive results in nothing. I have tried everything and simply cannot get into Single User Mode. Would replacing the hard drive remove all password and allow me to reinstall the operating system?

I thought the keyboard might have been suspect, but when the password screen comes up, I can type characters just fine. There was a firmware password set up. Now all I have to do is get reacquainted with OSX after being on the dark side for many years….. It worked like a charm…. Just a quick questions…..

I tried to update the keychain it asked me to but it isnt accepting the new password…. Okay so I followed every step, my problem is when I reboot it takes me to the set up wizard page so I follow those instructions then it takes me back to the set up wizard page it just keeps doing this over and over again.

Please help!! I used the last option, luckily I had my installer Boot DVD it realy worked for me great and thanks for the help. A friend bought a new MacBook Air in Dubai. This worked perfectly.

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It starts and then throws me out. How do I reset just my password and will affect everyone else? But with the time and advancement, when internet took over the whole industries, locating such companies has not at all remained challenging. Every person is guilty of this mistake at one time or another. A company that has bern around for more than two deczdes is a good bet. I need to regain admin access on os x My kid brother got on and did something and now the system auto logs in as a user but without admin privileges.

Is there a way, using terminal or anything else, that I can either reset the admin password, look it up in a file and decrypt it somehow, or do any of the tricks listed above without the ability to act as root user or admin or boot SUM etc.

Yes follow the instructions to reset the admin account password. Setting up a new admin user will let you change the old admin password. Thank you so much, did help me big time, instructions were clear and easy to follow. The guy at the apple store tried to resolve this with one service representative, he was absolutely clueless on how to do this.

Again many thanks. God bless. It really worked. Thanks a lot. The second option is the greatest. After deleting.

Forgot Admin account / Root (System Administrator) Password on Mac OS X ?

AppleSetupDone, it allows you to create a new user with Administrative. My mom passed away and that computer has my last videos and pictures of her on it. Every option I see above deletes and reboots the computer. I have no idea what all of this stuff means… I hope I can do it correctly… Thanks Rick. AppleSetupDone is the best way to fix this problem. When I followed those directions — The setup kept looping around and made me do it over and over again. I ended up having to find a way to add back the.

AppleSetupdone and then changed my password like this. Be sure your spacing is correct — If you want to learn how to add back the. AppleSetupDone follow these directions 1. AppleSetupDone 4. As I have read over and over in this — you have to type carfully. They are right. Spacing and capitalization is very important. The keychain issue a couple of people mentioned two years ago got me today for a while. The instructions above worked great Thank you! That prevented me from logging in to iCloud at all. Finally, I thought to play around with the Control key in Keychain Access, and found that two additional commands did the trick: Rebooted my old password using the second method.

Entering command lines is scary but after one misentered command it all went through. I am a complete computer dodo, and my macbookpro is 6 yrs old running on lion. Now I can upgrade to Yosemite. If I reset the password- without the CD or boot drive, will everything on my Mac be lost? What will happen? Any ideas? My account was not setup to allow unlocking with Apple ID so used the 2nd method, it worked as expected.

This is the most helpful article I have read, this helped me reset my Mac password that I forgot, thanks this is so great! I did notice it mentions having to enter the information exactly as before?? I got through the second option until the last step — the old account was grayed out and I can not select it. Thanks OS X daily. But now after rebooting when I start my Mac it loads for one second then again shuts down.

Please help ASAP. Help please I have lot of assignment to do on it. Hey, sorry if this is a silly question. Once I did the initial batch of steps everything ran smoothly. Upon reboot I am taken to the Welcome Wizard screen. This tutorial says to setup a new user account.

Very helpful… I used Stage 1, 2 and 3 and after a moment of indecision on my part could not believe I did it … it worked perfectly.