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The download is completely free if you're running OS X Wait for the download to finish this could take some time. Make sure you've backed up anything important on that drive as it will be erased forever.

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Select it, and then on the right, click the partition tab. Click Curent Layout and change it to 1 Partition. Set the Name to USB. Click Apply to format the drive. This process takes about 15 minutes. Go out for a quick run, or a hamburger, or both. When you come back, it should have finished. There are 3 popular bootloaders to choose from. Clover Chameleon Chimera I went with Clover as it seems to be the most popular choice among other El Capitan installers, mostly for the following reasons: Clover is an open-source EFI-based bootloader created on Apr 4, It has a totally different approach from Chameleon and Chimera.

It involves running an installation wizard and selecting some options. Download the latest Clover installer from here.

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Run the installer. Click Continue twice. Click Customize and check the following options: Booting OS X is impossible otherwise. Click Install and wait for the installation to finish. It shouldn't take more than a minute.

Artikel Terbaru

Tricks OS X into thinking it's installed on Apple hardware. Absolutely required for Hackintosh installation. They're optional , copy them only if you still use PS2 devices. Verbose mode means that you'll be able to see exactly what's going on under the hood as OS X attempts to boot up its installer. You'll be able to see the exact error message if booting fails. Press Enter and cross your fingers.

What does each option mean?

Clover will now boot the installer from your USB drive. This could take some time, in my case, it takes around 5 minutes Don't worry -- the startup time is around 5 seconds after installing on an SSD. Did it fail? It's more than likely that the boot will fail. Don't panic ha-ha , as kernel panics usually mean that you forgot to copy an essential kext to the EFI partition.

Look up the exact error you're getting before the boot log comes to an end and search Google for a solution. Once you find an additional kext that your system needs, you'd attempt to copy it to the EFI volume, only to discover that it's gone! Not to worry, it's just unmounted and hidden.

Daftar Isi

Format the Target Hard Drive Once the installation wizard boots, the next step is to prepare the hard drive that you want to install OS X on. Click Continue , followed by Disk Utility. Select the target drive to install to not the USB drive! Make sure to back up anything important on that drive, as it will be deleted forever. Set the Name to El Capitan.

Click Erase to format the drive. Finally, click Install. The process takes about 25 minutes. Be patient.

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For me, it hung at the end "1 second remaining" for around 5 minutes. Don't be tempted to reset or cancel the installation. When that's done, the system will reboot. The installation is a two-part process that continues once you re-boot into the USB drive. Finally, after about 25 more minutes, OS X El Capitan should be successfully installed on the target drive.

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