3 Ways to Recover Unsaved/Lost/Deleted Excel File on Mac

How to export Apple Numbers files as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets

Sometimes it wants you to save the file and sometimes it just closes. My fix has been to try to not close Excel and then just go open the files I want, save them and close them. But this has now become a big burden. About the same time this started to happen, I found another problem. Excel will not print a worksheet within a workbook! All it shows is a blank page! Typically I'll save the workbook as a PDF to send to a client. But now I have to copy it, and pasted it onto a Word document.. If the issue persists, I'd like to confirm the following information to better understand your situation:.

Please help capture a screenshot of the message that prompts to recover Excel spreadsheets. Perform a clean startup safe mode to your computer and then start Excel to determine whether background programs are interfering with Excel for Mac. About the printing problem, please check if it happens to all workbooks including new workbook. Please also try to connect to a different printer if possible to see the result. If the issue persists, I'd suggest post a new thread in this forum and we will focus on the issue separately.

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How to open Microsoft Excel spreadsheets in Apple Numbers on a Mac

Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. I pressed Clear anyway, same problem. My Excel is Version Each time I open Excel from being fully closed, I get this prompt:. If I press the "Open" button, then all of the files open that I have worked on over the last few months. If I do cancel, then a blank copy of Excel opens and then I can just go open whatever file I want to work with. Go to the Library folder and open Group Containers. You should back up these folders before you delete them.

I have not tried this yet as I needed my laptop to be fully functional for a business trip and 2 meetings that I'm currently traveling to. Odds are I'll try it over the weekend when I have the time to mess with things if they become complicated And for some reason these things always take more time than you plan for them to as we all know.

Excel for MAC opens all Excel Files - Microsoft Community

The mondo spreadsheet I spose about above is one that I absolutely need to have in my meetings, so since I won't need to print anything from it, and if I have to I know I can copy and pasted it to a Word or email document, I felt it would be safer to wait a few days before tackling this project. Same issue since last update yesterday. I tried above High Sierra, Such a hassle when updates breaks things that worked great. After going through this a number of times from fear I would lose the data I realized there wasn't anything wrong with these files. So, I just say no, and Excel opens normally and works fine.

How to open microsoft office documents on your mac for FREE!

Now if I could just get worksheets to in my mondo workbook print! Other worksheets in other workbooks print fine, so I figure it is a problem with my file and something I did. Any clue on how to troubleshoot for this sort of thing?

Open spreadsheets in tabs

Yes, they open fine but the point is having 15 old workbooks open each time I start Excel and having to close each individually is a pain. After the third or fourth time in a day its starts to get annoying. This is not and never has been normal behavior. I saw this once before and the fix then was to clear the list of recent files in a plist or something.

The fix proposed above is not possible on my setup - maybe its a High Sierra thing?

Open a spreadsheet in Numbers on Mac

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