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You can also break it in two shapes using Divide then perform an Add operation as usual. It isn't obvious but each of the two curves in your Curve s note the plural layer is a closed shape. You can see this by temporarily changing the stroke setting from none to any width. So since the "Join curves" action will not join closed curves, it won't have any effect, even if you use the Divide operation to split the Curves layer into two Curve layers.

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Let's say we have three files that we want to concatenate — each of them with one video and audio stream. The concat filter command would look like this:.

Now, let's dissect that command. In this case, video stream 0 [0:v:0] and audio stream 0 [0:a:0] from input 0 input1. This is the concat filter itself. The filter then concatenates these segments and produces two output streams. Note that the quotes around the filter section are required. You can then either re-use these streams in other filters, or map them to the output file :. This tells ffmpeg to use the results of the concat filter rather than the streams directly from the input files.

There is a Bash script called mmcat which was useful for older versions of ffmpeg that did not include the concat filter. Download all attachments as:.

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