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However, if it doesn't show up in your game, or doesn't work for some reason, you might need to do some troubleshooting. Here's a list of things to check and try when you run into problems:. Give them a detailed example of what's happening in the game i. Hopefully they'll get back to you with an updated version of the content or a way to work around the error.

If not, you may just need to uninstall the file from your game. Uninstalling CC and Mods is as simple as going to your Mods folder and deleting them. Right-click on whichever file you want to get rid of, select Delete, and then the next time you start up the game, that custom content or mod will no longer be in your game. Hopefully this will never happen to you, but there's always the risk of running into broken or corrupt custom content or mods, while modding your game.

If you have issues with your game freezing, crashing, generating "LastException" files while playing, or other major issues after downloading CC or mods, more than likely, the mod or CC you've installed is corrupted. Go to your Sims 4 folder, right-click on the folder titled "Saves" and then copy it. Paste your Saves folder somewhere else on your computer, like your desktop.

That way you'll have a "safe" version of your saved game in case anything goes wrong while testing. Go to your Mods folder and right-click it. Again, copy it to your Desktop. Once you're sure you have a copy of your Mods folder on your Desktop, go ahead and delete the copy in your Sims 4 folder. Restart your game and play it for a few minutes. If you game runs without crashing or having errors, you know the issue is with one of your Mods.

If it doesn't, you'll need to go out and repair your game and the issue is something within your Sims 4 game itself. Because Script mods do the most changing in the game, they are the most likely to cause major game play errors if they're broken or out of date. If the errors are gone, you know that one of your script mods is broken and needs to be fixed or updated. Identifying the problematic mod can be as easy as deleting the last mod you've downloaded, if the problem cropped up after that.

Paste your Mods folder back into your Sims 4 folder and then sort your files by Date Modified. If so, you've found the problem mod. This is pretty simple to do. Make a new folder on your desktop and just call it "Test Mods" or something similar. Take half of the items you have in your Mods folder and paste them into this folder. Test your game and see if the problem persists.

If not, you know the problem content is in that other batch of mods. If so, the trouble mod is still in your game, and you'll need to repeat the process again. This can be a bit tedious and time-consuming, but sometimes, it's the easiest way to identify troublesome mods when you have a big folder worth of content.

There's several ways you can organize your Mods folder. I like to do mine by categories, as seen in the picture above.

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This doesn't really do anything special during the gameplay, but it allows me to easily find content in my folders, install new content, and delete or update old content. You can organise your Mods folder in any way which makes the most sense to you! You can do it by creator, by categories like shoes, clothes, hair, etc. This still happens in The Sims 4, so the easiest way to avoid long loading times when downloading mods, is to rename any files and delete any special characters in the title. Just right-click on the file, select rename, and then delete any special characters and spaces.

Make sure you don't change the extension type it should still end in. If you have too many files to do this all manually, there's a great program called the Bulk Rename Utility which will help you rename your files easily. Download and install the free program from here. Click the option that says Bulk Rename Here. The program will open up and you'll see your Mods folder there. Highlight everything in the folder, and then go to the section that says Replace 3 , just below the Mods window.

In the Replace box, enter your cursor and just hit the space bar once. This will delete any spaces in the file names. Now go to the section that says Remove 5. Tick the "Sym. This will delete any symbols.

You can watch the trailer for the The Sims 4 below.

The Mods window will illustrate what the files will look like once you're done; all spaces and special characters should be gone. If you have sub-folders, you'll have to click into each of them individually to rename the files inside.

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Follow the same method described above. This method is a bit risky, and one I only recommend to experienced modders of The Sims. Merging files really can speed up your loading time, but it can also cause issues, as there's no way to "un-merge" files once you merge them, and if one of the files breaks within your merged file, you'll have to delete everything merged with it to get rid of the problematic file.

However, merging files can be a great way to speed up your game and organise your game even more; for example, you can merge files by creator, by date, by item type i. First, you'll need to register for a free account and download the Sims 4 Studio program. The Sims 4 Studio is a free-fan made program for both Windows and Mac users. A window will open up. Click on the Add button and then navigate to your Mods folder in the window. Highlight all the mods you want to merge together, and select open. Click on the Merge button. The program will prompt you to rename your new merged. Give it a unique name and select Save.

Once the status bar finishes it will take longer if you have a lot of files to merge , a pop-up will appear saying you've merged the packages successfully. The program will automatically open up to your Mods folder when done and you'll see both your newly merged.

You can safely delete the old files, OR you can copy and paste them somewhere else as a backup for example, make an Unmerged Mods folder on your desktop and keep them there , which will make it easier if you do have to delete one of the files in the future. In the case that you do need to delete a file that you've merged, if you've kept the un-merged files copied somewhere, simply delete the individual file you want to get rid of, and delete the merged.

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Then go back into Sims 4 Studio, merge the remaining files as explained above and then put the new merged. That's the basics on how to install mods and custom content for The Sims 4, as well as how to troubleshoot, uninstall and keep your Mods folder organised!

Should I run it on OS X or Bootcamp? — The Sims Forums

Got any questions or suggestions that I haven't covered above? Feel free to leave a comment and I'll do my best to help! Do you know any good Sims custom content sites?