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I have the same black screen problem, the game starts up, I got the menu, the sound, but a black screen on the game play. Another option is to use the alternative to command line and give the parameter there.

You Are The Man!!! A day and a half of trying a million possibilities and then this. Gigi, could you explain that more thoroughly please. What is an exe flag? Thanks for everything. Thank you Gigi , I added in the wine advanced configuration of the wrapper -nostart in the EXEflag line , works perfectly!

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Good evening! Unfortunately I have the same problem on my Mac, downloaded using Wine. Can anybody tell me what to do exactly? Do I need another program or can I just use wine and where can I add the flag?

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Your email address will not be published. You are welcome. Thanks for this, but I'm getting a error message from Steam when trying to download content servers unreachable.

macos - Can I install Age of Empires on a MacBook? - Super User

Any ideas? I'm also getting the same error message jod I can't figure out what's causing it. I'm able to connect to servers on windows with no issues.

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I've noticed when using playonmac it keeps defaulting to wine version 2. Is yours doing the same? If you are developers or even if you just want to see this project finished soon, help develop it or share it! Another way is to download and use SheepShaver. You can install Mac OS up to 9. I have managed to reach the step where I login to Steam. After that the Steam logo is there in my Mac launch dock, but nothing seems to be happening. I don't see Steam in PlayOnMac either.

Thanks it worked great for me, steps need to be carefully followed. I have been playing online with friends since few weeks now create a public game and manage to invite your friends, reject others When starting the game with Wine 3. I have a problem logging in to Steam. It appears the message "Steam is having trouble connecting to the Steam servers", and at the same time Steam are sending me an email with "Steam Guard code you need to login to account" but there is no space to put the code, so I cannot log in.

Hey I heard from a friend that this works well for him.

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I have some problems with starting the playonmac. It might be that the problem is that I'm running macOS Catalina. Any ideas on how to solve it? Error in main Steam crashed. Select its shortcut and click on "Debug" in the side panel to get more details. Eventually, ignoring the error I can get to steam, but the library or anything else won't load. This also stopped working for me today.

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I kind of remember that there was indeed an update after which everything stopped working. But I can't remember what kind of update it was. I tried to reinstall everything again, but I keep getting to the same point in which the steam library won't load. I would suggest trying the latest wine version and seeing if it helps. If so I can update the guide.

Thanks for the suggestion and for the guide!

Instalar Age of Empires 2 HD en Mac + Modo Multijugador Online

Unfortunately, I have already tried with the latest wine version and also some few others. I see that steam has released exactly yesterday a new library. Maybe that's what's causing the problem! I'm having the same library issue others are having.