How to stop having to log in to your Mac every time

In OS X Mavericks, Hold down the Control key whilst pressing the power button to bring up this menu to quickly choose one of these options.

To disable the power button sleep feature, read this blog. Or, like me, you have a mischievous colleague who you cannot trust with your Mac if you walk away and leave yourself logged in!

How to lock your Mac screen with a keyboard shortcut | MacYourself

If you would like to learn more about OS X or just the Mac in general, then take a look at our collection of introductory training courses. We also have a large collection of Mac training and support training courses which you may also find useful. V by booking online with us? Disclaimer:While the author has taken care to provide our readers with accurate information, please use your discretion before acting upon information based on the blog post. This feature has been tested using OS X v I have always used the keychain menubar icon to lock the screen. In a lab this is a pain for people because the screen is dark and if someone temporarily left and stayed logged in another user sits down and wakes the screen and someone is logged in so they move to another and the same thing.

7 ways to lock your MacBook

With the screensaver active when its locked you can see that someone is logged in then visually and not pick that computer then. I have a custom screensaver made that slowly flashes the username of who is logged in and our school logo flying around that was built with Quartz Composer. Anyway, I finally found a way to get the screensaver to kick back in instead of sleeping the screen!

I think a bug report response is how I found out about it or Apple seed. But here is the command to force the screen saver on when locking the screen using the Keychain lock instead of sleeping the screen. Then choose Lock in the popup list.

Then, select Lock this computer from the options that appear on the screen. For computers running Windows 10 To Lock: There are three different ways to manually lock your screen on a Windows 10 computer: Method 1: On your keyboard, hold down the Windows Logo Icon key and the L key on the keyboard at the same time.


Next, click the Most Used icon on the upper left. Then, click the User Icon and choose Lock in the dropdown list.

  1. How to Lock Your Mac After Closing |!
  2. Quickly lock your screen | Macworld!
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  7. How to Use Lock Screen in MacOS Mojave & High Sierra.

Click on the open lock. OR Method 2: Using the Keyboard. To Unlock: Press any button to wake the display up and you will be asked to authenticate with your username and password. Enter the terms you wish to search for.

Using the Eject and Eject All commands

If you select this option, set the lock delay time from the pull-down options list. You can also enter your own message to display on the locked screen by enabling the applicable check box and typing the message into the input field below. Click the padlock button at the bottom of the dialog window. This stops another user from changing your privacy and security settings.

Third Party Utilities

Adrian Grahams began writing professionally in after training as a newspaper reporter.