Configuring Android Environment Paths

It is used extensively by the sample applications which come with this release.

How To Set Android SDK Path In Windows And Mac

Your dev folder should look something like the following:. These folders may be given any name you wish, but they must be installed into separate folders to avoid any conflict between the two packages. Gradle is a build automation suite used by our standalone build scripts and by Android Studio to manage dependencies and allow for custom build logic.

Gradle replaces the previous Android build system, Ant, which is now deprecated for use in Android development. Oculus Mobile SDK 1. However, if you wish to install the full version of Gradle, we have included instructions. The latest version which has been tested with this release is Gradle 2.

How to change Android SDK path in Android Studio for Mac – Igor Khrupin

Choose the Complete download if you want the Gradle source and offline documentation. You should now be able to build with. Requires Homebrew , an optional package manager for OS X.

How to set ANDROID_HOME and environment variable for Android SDK in Windows 10

Archived Documentation This version of the guide is out of date. Before installing any Android development tools, you must install Xcode.


Once downloaded, unzip the archive into the directory where you would like to install it, e. Run brew install gradle in the terminal. Open a new terminal window to refresh the PATH variable.

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Mobile SDK 7. Installing the new API versions can take several minutes. Relax and grab a refreshing beverage. You just enter some metadata as prompted, and a few minutes later you have a fully configured Gradle project that you can open in Android Studio. Your command-line printout should reflect the Mobile SDK version—currently, forcedroid version 7. To get forcedroid usage information, type forcedroid and press Return.

Developer Community

You can now continue either to the iOS installation step or to the hybrid installation step. Click Verify Step to proceed to the next step in the project. How to check for preinstalled software. How to install missing software.

Requirements and Support

Successful completion of step 1, Install Common Components. The minimum versions Mobile SDK 7. You can always come back to it later if you change your mind.