Neurologist, mental, nervous. Mental stress. To be under stress.

To be under nervous strain. Nervous system is the system of cells, tissues, and organs that regulates the body's responses to internal and external stimuli. Innate : describing a condidtion or characteristic that is present in an individual at birth and is inherited from his parents. See also congenital.

Bam sinh, mo ta mot tinh trang hay dac diem co tren mot ca the tu khi sanh va duoc di truyen tu cha me. Cung xem phan dich chu congenital.


Instinct : a complex pattern of behaviour innately determind, which is characteristic of all individuals of the same species. The behaviour is released and modified by environmental stimuli, but its pattern is relatively uniform and predetermined. Ban nang, mot kieu mau phuc tap ve cu xu da dinh san tu khi sinh ra, dieu nay la dac diem cua tat ca cac ca the thuoc cung mot loai.

Thai do cu xu lo ra va thay doi theo cac kich thich moi truong, nhung kieu mau van tuong doi dong nhat va da dinh truoc. Mot xu huong bam sinh thuc day mot ca the den mot muc dich dac biet thi du, duc tinh libido trong phan tam hoc. Limbic system : a complex system of nerve pathways and networks in the brain, involving several different nuclei, that is involved in the expression of instinct and mood in activities of the endocrine and motor systems of the body. The activities of the body that are governed are those concerned with self preservation e.

See also reticular activating system. He ban tinh, mot he thong phuc tap cac duong va mang than kinh trong nao, bao gom nhieu nhan khac nhau. Cac hoat dong co the do he nay chi phoi la cac hoat dong lien quan den su sinh ton thi du tim thuc an, chien dau va bao ton noi giong nhu sinh san va cham soc con cai , su bieu lo so hai, gian du, va khoan khoai, va thiet lap cac kieu mau tri nho.

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Cung xem he luoi hoat. Corpus callosum : the broad band of nervous tissue that connects the two cerebral hemispheres, containing an estimated million fibres. See cerebrum. The chai gian noan the mot bang thong rong cac mo than kinh noi tiep hai ban cau nao, co chua khoang trieu soi. Xem nao. Viet ngu la ngon ngu thu hai - Bilingual languges cua cac vi co phai khong. Viet ngu la ngon ngu hanh chinh cua cac vi co phai khong. Viet ngu co phai la ngon ngu the gioi khong.

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Viet ngu co phai la ngon ngu thong nhat Trai dat khong. Viet ngu la ngon ngu cua dan toc thieu so co phai khong.

To see a film subtitled in Vietnamese. To see a film with Vietnamese subtitles. Neu ta dem chu viet nguoc dat truoc guong ta co doc duoc khong. Ta co doan - guess va nghi - think khong. Cac vi doc nguoc bang chu cai duoc khong. Ta co biet ta dang noi gi khong, ta co hieu gi khong, tri nho cua ta the nao.

Cau noi nhu vay : Lang nghe thau cam, thuyen giam noi dau, dieu tri tam tri. Ta doc : Tri tam tri dieu, dau noi giam thuyen, cam thau nghe lang.

Khi ta den Benh vien Tam Than Tp. Ke xam chiem lanh tho, cuop doat chu quyen lanh tho, va ke nay noi nuoc minh bi xam luoc va muon dat nuoc cua minh duoc doc lap. Ke chiem lay co the cua cua nguoi khac, va ke do noi doc lap. Ke chiem quyen kiem soat co the cua cua nguoi khac, va ke do noi doc lap.

Ke chiem quyen kiem soat the gioi, va ke do noi doc lap. Ke xam chiem oc nguoi, va ke do noi doc lap. Ke xam nhap vao ben trong co the cua con nguoi, va ke do noi doc lap. Co vi noi thiet bi doc suy nghi con nguoi khong co nhin qua doi mat cua nguoi bi doc suy nghi. Ke au dam, ke cuong dam co nghi gi den dao duc khong. Tu ngu mat xac co nghia la gi. Trong moi quan he ban be cua cac vi, doi tac kinh te cua cac vi, co ai noi voi cac vi di an choi di, di quan he tinh duc voi ke di, di kiem ban lam tinh di, bao gio chua.

Co ke o trong dau ta noi ta di an choi di, cac vi nghi sao ve ke nay. Cac vi nhin qua doi mat cua ta. Vi ta nhan biet giong noi phat ra o ben trong dau, trong co, trong bung va ta nghe tieng nguoi khong thay nguoi, ta nhan biet ngon ngu tieng viet. Co the ta khong co bat ky thiet bi. Co vi noi ho noi chuyen binh thuong, ho khong phai la cu dan cua nha nuoc the gioi song hanh, kieu bao nguoi viet nam hai ngoai, cu dan vietnam. Tat ca cu dan cua nha nuoc the gioi song hanh, kieu bao nguoi viet nam hai ngoai, cu dan vietnam, co phai ta lay cac cau noi duoi day trong bo phim The World behide the teenager psychic tren kenh HBO.

Chiem lay co the, khong biet gi het, chu y thuc, noi o trong dau, khong tiep dat.

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Cac vi ghi nhan dieu gi qua bo phim nay. To earth a wire. To ground a wire. Tat ca cu dan cua nha nuoc the gioi song hanh, kieu bao nguoi viet nam hai ngoai, cu dan vietnam, trong qua khu cua ta, ta da den coi am - the world of the dead bao gio chua, ta da tung tiep xuc nguoi o coi am bao gio chua. Ta co ve moi khong. White Blouse. To chant prayers and pray under one's breath to Buddha.

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She's always causing trouble for people. Her life was devoted to the cause of justice. He fought for the republican cause in the civil war. Ong ay mot doi vi mot the gioi hoa binh. Ong ay suot doi dau tranh vi nhan quyen va phap quyen. Cac vi mo ta bang cach viet ra giay, hoac phac hoa - sketch chan dung cua ho ra giay.

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