I truly unserstand your anger.

FAQ for Civ5 players with Mac computers

The gaming business should begin growing up. Last edited by ForevaNoob Wonemorturn ; 17 Jun, 1: Originally posted by chestholio:. Originally posted by SamBC:. Last edited by ForevaNoob Wonemorturn ; 27 Jun, So add your voice to whatever list you want complaining about Steam's auto-update feature - but that's also nothing new.

Steam's view, AIUI I have no special relationship with Valve is that they are just providing a platform, a tool, and they have little control of what publishers do with that tool once a game is approved to launch on Steam. If you want to let Valve know how you feel personally, please use the Steam Support system. Last edited by SamBC ; 27 Jun, Bananeisafree View Profile View Posts.

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Would love to see a solution please keep that post alive. At least to find a way to procure oneself with the old version of the game A lot of Civ Users do not care about the multiplayer. Last edited by Bananeisafree ; 28 Jun, 8: Let your displeasure be known to Valve by all means contacting Steam support might be a good way to do this, I'm not sure - but I know that posting here isn't going to get any notice from them , but Aspyr are the ones who have it more readily in their power to resolve this issue, so I recommend focussing your complaints at them.

Last edited by SamBC ; 28 Jun, 9: Last edited by ForevaNoob Wonemorturn ; 28 Jun, Originally posted by jml:.

civilization 5 - How can I enable Civ 5 mods on Mac OS X? - Arqade

Last edited by Bananeisafree ; 28 Jun, Per page: Date Posted: I'm on Mountain Lion All that appears is Civilization. You need to right click on Civilization. Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count.

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Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Ask Question. So, is it possible?


And if it is, how? CyberSkull Oak Oak I'm no expert, but I imagine mods won't work with OS X because, by name, mods are modifications of the game binary. Any mods will have been made for the Windows binary, and not the Mac I don't believe they are compiled so much as they are interpreted. Aspyr might have excluded these components when they ported the game, but if they're present, it seems like it should be possible to run the same Windows mods on a Mac.

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If my Mac was capable of playing this game, I'd investigate for you StrixVaria I agree with you on Aspyr. In this case, they intentionally hid the Mods button so they didn't have to worry about supporting Mods on Mac.

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Lazy, just Lazy. SetHide true ; To comment it out simply add two hyphens like this: Adanion Adanion 3, 6 28 This should go without saying but just to be safe, always verify that the Mod you are trying to use is legitimate and working as intended before you try and use it. I have this same issue however when I navigate to that folder i do not have MainMenu. Can you help? So unfortunately, this solution no longer works.