Problems importing my Excel .CSV file with leads - Salesforce Developer Community

Hi Marites, The formula works well in my case. Which Office version do you use? I have text string in one cell similar to this: example1, example2, example3, example4, example5, example6, example7, example8, example9. I need to extract text before 5th comma for example. So as a result i would have something like this: example1, example2, example3, example4, example5.

Good Day, The below formula can help you extracting all texts before the 5th comma in a cell. Hello, I need help with formula. Two columns in first information about address, in second I need just country. Haaaaaa I got it. I still don't know what I was doing wrong but I used different formula and it works. This is then a GOOD method to split cell in 3 or more categories using formula.

EXCEL calcul de la moyenne des notes qui contiennent des points au lieu des virgules

Thanks to you crystal Here's my new revised formulas. Dear Jonathan Piette, So happy for you. I post a snapshot, but for some reason, it doesn't show it!!!

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Hi Guys I try to split multiple element from a cell using forumas shown on this page, but I have problems, I have inconstancy and caractere missing! Check the snapshots to see the formula. This is excel mac , version Good Day, Do you mean remove all dash "-" from the string?

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Good Day, Thank you for sharing. See screenshot:. Please share the formula for finding multiple spaces in a text string, to extract what we wish from that string, easily. Would be nice if you could provide a screenshot of what you are trying to do. I need to delete all text after the first word.

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Virgule | Le magazine de français et de littérature pour les ans

Quick to prototype. The wrong words are highlighted. It does not match my search.

Formule cible

It should not be summed up with the orange entries The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Thank you very much for your vote! You helped to increase the quality of our service.

Point ou virgule excel mac

Tous les messages sont transmis sous forme d'un fichier au [ All messages are sent in the form of a file in [ In the Save As dialog box, type a file name, select a [ You can choose a platform Windows, [ Le bureau de gestion technique de l'ISO a [ If you use a different software and the visualization is [ The main import format [ If you wish, you can set the [ Si vous entrez aux valeurs de mesure d'autres informations comme des limites de [ If you enter measurement values or other [.

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