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To perform an instances count, open the Instances Count window from the main menu and type in the desired word or phrase. Then choose the "Count Words" option.

Why count your words?

If the text area in the instances window is blank, Word Counter will return a count of 0. You can also choose whether Word Counter should consider the number of instances in a case-sensitive or case-insentive manner. With a case-sensitive count, the word "with" would be counted only once in this sentence if the search was case-sensitive since the first instance has a capital "W".

In a case-insensitive count it would be counted twice in the preceding sentence since the case would be ignored. Additionally, Word Counter will consider any subset of text when it counts instances. Therefore, the word "count" would have two instances case-insensitive in the preceding sentence since it appears in both "Counter" and "counts". If a word is entered in the Instances Count window it will be counted even if it otherwise would be ignored based on the word length of minor word preferences.

Word Counter also provides an interesting feature that summarizes the frequency of every word in a document.

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To use the frequency option, the document to be summarized must be open in either the main Word Counter window or in the TextEdit window depending on the current data source for the counts. The Word Frequency window can be accessed from the main menu. Press the Count button to begin the analysis. Once the count is complete, Word Counter will display every word that appears in the document as well as how many times each word appears and how long each word is.

" + pageTitle + "

This can be useful if you want to know how many words longer than 10 characters you are using, or to see if your choice of words may be repetitive. A screen shot of the readability statistics window. Many formulas exist to judge readability and caution must be exercised when applying a readability test to a document. Some tests are more appropriate for certain types of documents and it is important to think carefully when choosing a test.

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Some tests are better for text written at a grade school level, some are better for technical manuals, and some are considered flexible enough to judge the readability of almost any type of text. Word Counter makes estimates for various elements of the text including the number of syllables and number of sentences. These estimates might deviate from counts done manually. In addition, even though many of the readability scores require a short passage of around words, Word Counter will make its estimates based on the entire text.

This should help average out any of the discrepancies in the estimates. In testing Word Counter and comparing the results to other online tools, some of the estimates were found to vary widely, probably because of differing underlying computer algorithms to make the estimates.

  • Word Counter App for Mac OS X – Words on the Word.
  • Apple - Downloads - Dashboard Widgets - Word Counter Widget.
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Note that Word Counter includes all of the text every time it performs readability calculations, regardless of the preferences set for ignoring words based on length or the exclusion list. Listed below are the various readability statistics that Word Counter provides, including the formulas used to calculate the results and the scoring references. These may deviate from other sources, and if you have any corrections or suggestions please contact the author of Word Counter.

Greater than Very Easy. More than Very Confusing. Greater than 4. Using the Progress Tracker feature you can set a goal for the total number of words or characters you wish to type. Word Counter will then display the progress towards that goal in the small, floating Progress Tracker window.

Free Word Counter - SEO Tools

Type in a goal for Words, Characters, or Instances to track your progress. An example of the progress being tracked: To change the defaults for the percentages for which the yellow or red icons should appear, click in the area shown above. A screen shot of the window where you can set the percentages for the limits beyond which the yellow or red warning icons will appear.

Word Counter Pro

Simply click on the Word Counter icon on the main Word Counter window. A small floating window will appear. Word Counter will then count the text in the chosen application. Apple's TextEdit application is the default, but you can change it to a different application in the Preferences section. To have Word Counter return to counting the text in the main Word Counter window, simply close the floating counting window, or press the Count Words button on the main Word Counter window. If you are interested in having another program added to Word Counter's list of supported applications, please contact David Hanauer.

Note that only certain AppleScript-aware applications are eligible for this functionality. The horizontal floating window for TextEdit documents. The vertical floating window for TextEdit documents. Word Counter has several user modifiable preferences that can be changed through the Preferences window. Most options should be self-explanatory. The "minor words" feature is described below. Word Counter can ignore minor words in the counts. These are ignored for both the word and character counts. This feature can be turned on or off in the preferences window. Furthermore, you can edit the list of minor words by clicking on the "Edit List" button in the preferences window.

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A screen shot of this window is below. Word Counter can perform bulk counts on multiple files sequentially. Results of the counts are displayed in a table as seen below. Dropping more than one file, or a single folder, onto the Word Counter window will cause Word Counter to display the multiple file count window. More than one folder can also be dropped onto the window at the same time. You can also display the multiple file count window by choosing it from the menu or pressing the associated keyboard shortcut. A progress bar at the top of the window provides feedback about how far along Word Counter is in working through the files.

Each row in the table represents a single file. The file name, word count, and character count are displayed. Additionally, a running total of the counts for all of the files is shown at the bottom of the table. The total number of files in the table is displayed in the window's title bar area. To reset the running total and remove the files from the table, simply press the "Clear" button. Otherwise, dropping more files onto the multiple file count window will cause the counts to be displayed in the table instead of the main window. To learn more about any file in the table, simply double click on the file or choose the "More Info" option from the menu.

This will cause a small information window see below to be displayed which has details about the file, including it's entire file path. If a file type that Word Counter does not handle is being handled by the multiple file count window, it is simply ignored silently so that the counts of the other appropriate files can proceed.

If Word Counter is unable to open or process any files, a warning message will be displayed when the counting is complete. Word Counter can load numerous file types either into the main window or via bulk counts. These include plain text txt , rich text rtf, rtfd , Hypertext Markup Language htm, html , Microsoft Word doc, docx , Microsoft Word XML wordml ,OpenDocument Text odt , Apple's web archive webarchive , active server pages asp , cascading style sheets css , java java , javascript js , java server pages jsp , hypertext preprocessor php , perl pl , ruby rb , and extensible markup language xml.

For html documents, only those words that would normally appear on the web page are counted; for the other files related to programming languages, all of the words in the document are counted. Word Counter only works for the English language. It may or may not work for other languages, so I suggest you try it first before relying on it. It is too difficult for me to ensure that the program works for any language other than English.

Word Counter should generally be thought of as providing a very close estimate of the true word and character count, but counts may differ depending on what program is used. Word Counter bases its word and character counts mainly on how AppleScript defines a word and a character. This actually differs depending on the version of OS X that you use.