Changelog 1.3

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Screenshots Next Back. Added a subtitle to the game "The Eight Pages" to differentiate it from future versions.

Mais terror no novo capítulo da saga Slender

Improved main menu and added music to it. Also now includes links to Slender Man info and YouTube series. Added different light sources unlocked after beating the game once. Added shadows not especially noticeable except in lit areas.

Slender The Nine Pages - HARDCORE MODE (Download Link)

Your jogging speed now increases gradually as more pages are collected. The maximum distance you can see decreases as you collect more pages; this is to keep the challenge similar for people who have fog turned off. For the same reason, Distance Shade can no longer be turned off.

Slender: The Nine Pages - Unity Forum

Added a menu option to automatically skip the intro. Added a pause feature, but you can only pause if there's no static which prevents you from pausing the game in response to seeing the Slender Man. Fixed a bug where the flashlight would try to illuminate a page on the other side of a wall. Parsec Productions. User rating:. Found a bad link?

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Slender: The Nine Pages

Improved main menu and added music to it. Also now includes links to Slender Man info and YouTube series. Added different light sources unlocked after beating the game once. Added shadows not especially noticeable except in lit areas. Your jogging speed now increases gradually as more pages are collected.

The maximum distance you can see decreases as you collect more pages; this is to keep the challenge similar for people who have fog turned off. For the same reason, Distance Shade can no longer be turned off. Added a menu option to automatically skip the intro.

Added a pause feature, but you can only pause if there's no static which prevents you from pausing the game in response to seeing the Slender Man. Fixed a bug where the flashlight would try to illuminate a page on there side of a wall. Removed one of the hidden modes it was only a matter of time, since it contained copyrighted material.