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Join over k developers worldwide using Corona to create hit mobile apps. Corona now supports Dark Mode. Learn more about how this feature might affect your apps! Many apps need a way to log in users. His guest po. Corona's APIs make many things simple, but some times, convenience methods can be more complicated that just doing it yourself.

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Theming a widget. Functions are one of the most useful tools in a programmer's tool box.

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But how do you make the best use of this tool? This tutorial can help you under. The 2D Game Engine. No limits Unlimited. Lua-based Lua is an open source scripting language designed to be lightweight, fast, yet also powerful. Plugins for all needs Select from numerous plugins which extend the Corona core for features like in-app advertising, analytics, media, and much more. Cross-platform Develop for mobile, desktop, and connected TV devices with just one code base.

Completely free No hidden fees, charges, or royalties. See your dream come to life. Speed and performance From bleeding-fast OpenGL graphics to the lightweight scripting power of Lua, Corona is optimized for performance at every core level. Select from numerous plugins which extend the Corona core for features like in-app advertising, analytics, media, and much more. No hidden fees, charges, or royalties. No matter if you are an indie developer or a large publisher, you will never pay for core functionality.

Corona speeds up the development process. Update your code, save the changes, and instantly see the results in our instant-update Simulator. It's like magic. Live builds in action sec. From bleeding-fast OpenGL graphics to the lightweight scripting power of Lua, Corona is optimized for performance at every core level.

With Corona, your apps are automatically compiled at build time, streamlined for performance and stability. More than , developers and an active, helpful forum are not just facts. Our team is also there. Visit forum.

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Our marketplace is where you can easily find or distribute whatever you need to build the next blockbuster game or app. Full project templates, graphical assets, music, sound effects, and a wide selection of plugins are all waiting for you. Visit store. Corona's source code is now open for developers to add features to that they need and even contribute back to the core product.

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Read more. Learn more. Forms templates in the Mobile Apps group of project templates. When you compile a Xamarin. Forms solution, you'll get an Android app, an iOS app, and a Windows app. For more details, see Learn about mobile development with Xamarin and the Xamarin. Forms documentation. If you're not using Xamarin. Forms and choose to design for each platform individually, you can share most of your non-UI code between platform projects Android, iOS, and Windows.

This includes any business logic, cloud integration, database access, or any other code that targets the. NET Framework. The only code that you can't share is code that targets a specific platform. You can share your code by using a shared project, a Portable Class Library project, or both. You might find that some code fits best in a shared project, and some code makes more sense inside a Portable Class Library project.

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If you want to create a single app that targets the full breadth of Windows 10 devices, create a universal Windows app. You'll design the app by using a single project and your pages will render properly no matter what device is used to view them.

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Design your pages visually, and then open them in a preview window to see how they appear for various types of devices. If you don't like how a page appears on a device, you can optimize the page to better fit the screen size, resolution, or various orientations such as landscape or portrait mode.

You can do all of that by using intuitive tool windows and easily accessible menu options in Visual Studio. When you're ready to run your app and step through your code, you'll find all of the device emulators and simulators for different types of devices together in one drop-down list that is located on the Standard toolbar.

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These apps can target all three platforms and you can build them by using the skills and processes that you're most familiar with. Apache Cordova is a framework that includes a plug-in model. Because these APIs are cross-platform, you can share most of what you write between all three platforms. This reduces your development and maintenance costs.

Also, there's no need to start from scratch. If you've created other types of web applications, you can share those files with your Cordova app without having to modify or redesign them in any way. To get started, install Visual Studio and choose the Mobile Development with Javascript feature during setup. The Cordova tools automatically install all third-party software that's required to build your multi-platform app. Then, you can develop your app by using JavaScript or Typescript.

You can also add plug-ins to extend the functionality of your app, and APIs from plug-ins appear in IntelliSense as you write code. When you're ready to run your app and step through your code, choose an emulator, such as the Apache Ripple emulator or Android Emulator, a browser, or a device that you've connected directly to your computer.

Then, start your app. If you're developing your app on a Windows PC, you can even run it on that.