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LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education NXT Software v.2.1

Just rename the index. To view the instructions, just open the file with Firefox or drag the renamed index file into Firefox to open it. No changes are actually required to the Yosemite or later Mac OS, nor are any renaming conventions required. Simply download the next-g-installer-v2. From there, go to Parts.


Leave that last window open, and off to one side. Do the same for mindstormengunivret. The problem with the normal install is that it also tries to install an older version of Flash Player. Just follow the above steps and enjoy! You must be logged in to post a comment.

NXT Software Support | One Mindstorm

Also the signal must be very strong otherwise there might be communication delays. Just type them in as in the video and you are all set. Copy the icon file named "RR Icon. It requires a few additional steps so it is described in the section bellow. After you make the connection come back here and follow step nr 5.

This way you don't have to worry about IP and Port numbers, the Bonjour does everything for you. So let's start: the first thing to do is tap on one of the remote buttons, let's say for example the Pad Drive Remote one of our favorites. You should now see the screen as in the picture below.

Make sure the Bonjour switch is ON. Tap the Connect button and the iPhone will now move in to the "Connecting If they keep searching and searching and no connection is made, then it must mean that there is a problem with Bonjour. There can be a lot of reasons why Bonjour is not working, one of the most common one being that the your router model just does not support Bonjour. So as of the 1. This is also the method needed to connect if you are using the Android RoboRemote Server app. Start by making sure the Bonjour switch is OFF.

Your screen should look like below: As we said earlier you now have to type in the IP and Port number yourself.


Now that you have the IP and Port number type them in on the iPhone and tap connect. On the first screen you will choose the App that the RoboRemote Server will connect to. Switch between using the motor on port C to move the sensor in the direction the car moves moving state , or just place the sensor anywhere you want, no motor needed static Server status : this lower section will display connection statuses and also the IP and Port number of the server that the iOS app will have to connect to.

The focus elements of the interface are: Simulator "Turn ON" Button : by turning the Simulator Mode ON you can use the RoboRemote App without connecting to an actual NXT - the server receives the commands, updates it's status and sends back simulated response feedback. Use this button to connect to the RoboRemote on the iPhone. After the connection is made the other two buttons are enabled and can be used. This connection uses WiFi so make sure your are on a strong signal WiFi network. This connection uses bluetooth so make sure you have bluetooth turned on both on your NXT and on your PC.

Wheel Orientation : this is the interface feedback based on the wheel turning commands received from the RoboRemote on the iPhone. There are three turning points to the left, three to the right, and one for driving straight.

The light turns green when a turn command is received. Speed Indicator : the acceleration gauge updates as it receives speed change commands. There are five different driving modes: four incremental forward speeds - green meaning the slowest and red the fastest, and one speed for driving backwards. Middle means that it is far enough so that no obstacle is detected. Pulling up simulates getting closer forward, and pulling down simulates getting closer backwards.

Battery Level : pulling the slider up or down simulates the battery charge level. If Auto power boost is selected on the iPhone then the power boost level will also change based on the battery charge levels. Catapult : the UI of the server will change based on the slider bar position of the catapult on the iPhone.

Change ball color : the ball color shown on the iPhone when the Catapult or the Shooter menus are selected can be changed by clicking the buttons in this area. This simulates the color sensor detection on the NXT. Shot : this image is animated when the Shooter or the Catapult "shoots" on the iPhone. Proximity sensor mode : switch between using the motor on port C to move the sensor in the direction the car moves moving state , or just place the sensor anywhere you want, no motor needed static. All of these new options are active only when the corresponding option is active on the iPhone.

You will drive your NXT Car on your own piece by piece build tracks. Website : tap this to visit our website.

Global Hostinger

Friend Zone : here we can become friends so you can keep up to date with everything that is new about RoboRemote - like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and tell your friends about us. Each of the three remotes have an "Info" button in the RoboRemote App with in depth usage details. If there is no connection already established with the PC and the NXT, by tapping any of the three remotes you will be prompted to connect first: After all the connections have been made, the red lights will, in turn, stop blinking and become green, as well as the start button, and you can now tap it to start driving: Upgrades Important: Only one option between this three can be used at a time: the ball gun or the catapult or the proximity sensor when the "Moving" proximity sensor mode is selected on the server.

Home Support Contact. The easiest way to connect is by using the Bonjour service provided by Apple Bonjour does not work with Android so for connecting using the RoboRemote Server app on Android go here. If they connected to each other then you can skip the steps bellow and move on with the step 5 above in the Setup and connect with the NXT.

As we said earlier you now have to type in the IP and Port number yourself.

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To find your IP on a Windows PC you have to click on the start button, type in the Search box the word cmd and then in the black window that appears type in the word ipconfig and hit the enter key. Sometimes there is a lot of info showed by this command, but just scroll back to the top and look for the IPv4 Adress:. To get the port number you have to turn off Bonjour on the server app and then click Connect. The Android server is composed of two screens. Tap the orange button on the NXT to confirm the pairing code:.

The Android device will now promt for the Pairing request code. If there is no connection already established with the PC and the NXT, by tapping any of the three remotes you will be prompted to connect first:. After all the connections have been made, the red lights will, in turn, stop blinking and become green, as well as the start button, and you can now tap it to start driving:.