What is a Mind Map, Anyway?

TheBrain is available on Windows, Mac, the web, and both Android and iOS—and your changes should synchronize across all instances, so you can easily access the most updated version of your mind map when on the go. According to Lifehacker reader Ragehard :. Its biggest drawback is the absence of a browser extension that allows for quick additions to your brain e. If someone could combine TheBrain and Evernote I would use that exclusively.

What makes XMind different?

As for price, it is expensive, but TheBrain is so useful that I begrudgingly pay for it. As Lifehacker reader isquish writes:. As a winner-up, I love KnowledgeBase Builder for its ability to make beautiful, customizable mindmaps suitable for consumption by non-mindmap users. The software interface is not as polished as some other mind mapping products, though, and requires work to get good looking results.

What's On Your Mind?

It comes with both a free trial and a free version with limited functionality , and it allows you to add all sorts of images, video recordings, and even voice memos to the complicated mind maps you create. As Lifehacker reader John simply describes:. As the name implies, FreeMind is an open-source mind-mapping tool that costs you absolutely nothing to use. What it lacks in graphics and grace, it makes up for in cost and functionality.

And since FreeMind stores all of the maps you create in XML, you should be able to convert them to another mind-mapping app, should you decide to jump ship. Mind mapping is a great way to brainstorm, make a plan, or turn ideas into the steps needed to make it real.

12 Best Mind Mapping Apps for Mac to Organize Your Ideas

Thankfully, there are great tools out there to help you build mind maps, organize them, and save them for later. Earlier this week, we asked you which mind mapping tools you thought were the best.

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The poll is closed and the votes are counted! To see which of these five great mind mapping tools took the top spot, head over to our Hive Five Followup post!

Mind Mapping Software - ANIMATED! The Brain Mind Mapping Review

There you can read about and discuss the winner! Plus, it integrates with web services and tools you already use, like Microsoft Office, Box,net, and more. XMind has been around for a good long time, and it even made the roundup the last time we looked at mind mapping apps. You can even add images and icons to differentiate parts of a project or specific ideas, add links and multimedia to each item, and more.

MindNode 6

Best of all, XMind is completely free and open source. Double-click on any item to edit it, and click the plus signs on either side to add branches to your mind map.

Five Best Mind Mapping Tools

Click and hold to drag them around the canvas to design your mind map any way you like. Coggle will automatically assign different colors to your branches, but clicking on a branch will bring up a color wheel so you can personalize it yourself. You even get auto-saving and revision history, so if you want to see what your mind map looked like before someone you invited started working with it, you can.

Best of all? Coggle is completely and totally free.