SSH Back to My Mac -

SSH would, of course, fail and exit unsuccessfully. At which point it would get retried again, fail, repeat, etc.

Instead, after taking a break to play with my kid and think things through, it dawned on me that I was making this all way too complicated. I fired up LaunchControl and two minutes later had a launchd job installed that opened the SSH tunnel on boot and kept relaunching it if it ever failed. Practically, this meant that it immediately re-spawned the connection over and over at launch until the network came online and SSH connected.

Once that happened, the connection typically remained open for hours if not days at a time. When chatting with a friend or colleague using Messages, you can click the Details button at the top of the conversation, where you will see options for communicating with your contact.

ssh tunnel - SSH back to the local machine from a remote SSH session - Server Fault

One of these is a pair of overlapping rectangles, which, if available, will allow you to view the screen of your contact. Another approach to managing your Mac remotely is arguably for power users, where you enable the Remote Login service and use the secure shell SSH in a Terminal window to login and run commands and scripts on your Mac.

But you can access it via the Terminal app. This produces a New Remote Connection window.

Within this window select the Secure Shell service and you should see any enabled Macs in the Server column. From here you can select and connect to these Macs to log into them. The services I mentioned so far are automatically detectable; however, there may be additional services that you have on your Mac that are not detectable in these ways.

These can include custom FTP software, web servers, license managers, or other server software you have configured.

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If you have such software enabled, you can still connect to it using Back to My Mac by assembling a URL that points you to your Mac from anywhere on the Internet. To do this, enter the following command in Terminal to list a hierarchy of domains for your iCloud account:. For these purposes, we are going to use the Bonjour name, which uses only lowercase letters, strips out all punctuation, and replaces spaces with dashes. Thorin Klosowski. Share This Story.

Enabling Back to My Mac and SSH

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