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Additional services may be available when enabled from I2P router console that can be launched from FreedomBox web interface.

Anonymous Internet browsing : I2P can be used to browse Internet anonymously. For this, configure your browser preferable a Tor Browser to connect to I2P proxy. This service is available only when you are reaching FreedomBox using local network networks in internal zone and not available when connecting to FreedomBox from the Internet.

Reaching eepsites : I2P network can host websites that can remain anonymous. These are called eepsites and end with. Anonymous torrent downloads : I2PSnark, an application for anonymously downloading and sharing files over the BitTorrent network is available in I2P and enabled by default in FreedomBox. This application is controlled via a web interface that can be launched from 'Anonymous torrents' section of I2P app in FreedomBox web interface or from the I2P router console interface. Only logged-in users belonging to 'Manage I2P application' group can use this service. This service is enabled by default in FreedomBox.

To use it, open your favourite IRC client. Then configure it to connect to host freedombox. I2P router console : This is the central management interface for I2P. It shows the current status of I2P, bandwidth statistics and allows modifying various configuration settings. Sistema en 1. La funcionalidad de Backups se resuelve con el software de backup Borg. Cualquier servidor remoto con acceso por SSH se puede emplear como almacenamiento para los backups de la FreedomBox.

Las copias remotas se pueden cifrar para que el servidor remoto no pueda leer los datos que alberga. Tor 0. Hostname Hostname es el nombre local por el que otros dispositivos pueden alcanzar tu FreedomBox desde la red local. El hostname por defecto es freedombox. Nombre de Dominio El Nombre de Dominio es el nombre global por el que otros dispositivos pueden alcanzar tu FreedomBox desde la Internet.

En una FreedomBox, hay disponibles controles para muchas funciones avanzadas que normalmente no se necesitan. Cualquier usuario del grupo de administradores de to FreedomBox puede acceder a Cockpit. Sin embargo, los cambios al sistema inadecuados pueden causar fallos en las funciones de FreedomBox. Arranca el interfaz web de Cockpit. Ingresa con la cuenta de usuario configurada. Empieza a usar cockpit. Permite cambiar la hora y el huso del sistema. Permite cambiar el hostname. Por favor usa el interfaz de usuario de FreedomBox UI para hacer esto. Muestra las huellas del servidor SSH.

Fecha y hora Este servidor de hora de red es un programa que mantiene el tiempo del sistema sincronizado con servidores de Internet. Esto puede llevar varios minutos. Dynamic DNS Client 6. What is Dynamic DNS?

In order to reach a server on the Internet, the server needs to have permanent address also know as the static IP address. Many Internet service providers don't provide home users with a static IP address or they charge more providing a static IP address. Instead they provide the home user with an IP address that changes every time the user connects to the Internet.

Clients wishing to contact the server will have difficulty reaching the server.

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Dynamic DNS service providers assist in working around a problem. First they provide you with a domain name, such as 'myhost. Then they associate your IP address, whenever it changes, with this domain name. Then anyone intending to reach the server will be to contact the server using the domain name 'myhost. For this to work, every time you connect to the Internet, you will have to tell your Dynamic DNS provider what your current IP address is. Hence you need special software on your server to perform this operation. This allows you to expose services on FreedomBox, such as ownCloud, to the Internet.

GnuDIP vs. Once an adversary gains your credentials, they will be able to replay your request your server and hijack your domain. On the other hand, the GnuDIP protocol will only transport a salted MD5 value of your password, in a way that is secure against replay attacks. Fill Domain Name , Username , Password information given by your provider into the corresponding fields.

Some example providers are listed in the configuration page itself. If you browse the update URL with your Internet browser and a warning message about untrusted certificate appears, then enable accept all SSL certificates. Consider choosing a better service provider instead. Go to the Status page, make sure that the NAT type is detected correctly. Check that the last update status is not failed. Save and return to the GnuDIP login page to verify your username, domain and password enter the datas, click login. Login output should display your new domain name along with your current public IP address this is a unique address provided by your router for all your local devices.

Click on "Set Up" in the top menu. Add server address gnudip. Firewall Firewall is a network security system that controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic. Keeping a firewall enabled and properly configured reduces risk of security threat from the Internet.

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The operation of the firewall in Plinth web interface of FreedomBox is automatic. When you enable a service it is automatically permitted in the firewall and when you disable a service it is automatically disabled in the firewall. For services which are enabled by default on FreedomBox, firewall ports are also enabled by default during the first run process.

Firewall management in FreedomBox is done using FirewallD. Interfaces Each interface is needs to be assigned to one and only one zone. Whatever rules are in effect for a zone, those rules start to apply for that interface. For example, if HTTP traffic is allowed in a particular zone, then web requests will be accepted on all the addresses configured for all the interfaces assigned to that zone. There are primarily two firewall zones used. The internal zone is meant for services that are provided to all machines on the local network.

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This may include services such as streaming media and simple file sharing. The external zone is meant for services that are provided publicly on the Internet. This may include services such as blog, website, email web client etc.

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For details on how network interfaces are configured by default, see the Networks section. Manual operation See FirewallD documentation for more information on the basic concepts and comprehensive documentation. Modifying the zone of interfaces You can manually change the assignment of zones of each interfaces after they have been autuomatically assigned by the first boot process. Certificates Let's Encrypt A digital certificate allows users of a web service to verify the identity of the service and to securely communicate with it.

FreedomBox can automatically obtain and setup digital certificates for each available domain. It does so by proving itself to be the owner of a domain to Let's Encrypt, a certificate authority CA. Please read and agree with the Let's Encrypt Subscriber Agreement before using this service. Why using Certificates The communication with your FreedomBox can be secured so that it is not possible to intercept the content of the web pages viewed and about the content exchanged. How to setup If your FreedomBox is behind a router, you will need to set up port forwarding on your router.

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Then click the "Obtain" button for your domain name. Using The certificate is valid for 3 months. It is renewed automatically and can also be re-obtained or revoked manually. With running diagnostics the certificate can also be verified.