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All network speeds are theoretical. Real-world speeds are also limited by the speed of the slowest component. It will, however, let multiple machines communicate at their top speeds simultaneously.

SSD speed: Blackmagic vs AJA System Test crazy different!

By the same token, if you have a super-fast Net connection—one of the now relatively widely available but still costly Mbps home broadband accounts, for example—and your hard drive can only write files at 60 Mbps, you might wonder whether you really need that speedy service. Remember, though, that fast home broadband provides multiple computers fast access at the same time. All of these tests are performed between two computers. It shows both how fast AFP works on your network and how fast your hard drives can read and write.

First, find a large file on the first computer, preferably about 1GB in size. One way to do so: In the second pop-up menu, choose Is Greater Than. In the field, enter 1.

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From the size pop-up menu, select GB. Multiply that number by 8 to convert that size to megabits. The simplest way to test network speed is to move a big file from one computer to another via AFP. Click on Connect As in the upper right of the window, and enter a valid user name and password for the other computer.

When the file completes the transfer, jot down the concluding time. Subtract the finish time from the start time you noted earlier and convert the difference to seconds. Finally, divide the size of the file in megabits by the transfer time in seconds to get Mbps. uses cookies.

AJA Video Systems offers a free tool that tests the read and write speeds of your hard drive. The AJA System Test really measures the speed of transfers between two hard drives—which can tell you a lot about real-world network performance.

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Like the first test, it uses AFP to transfer data between computers. But because it writes multiple files of specific sizes, it can be more exact. Select 1. The program will now copy then read back a 1GB file to the selected volume; the report the results to you in Mbps.

You can repeat the test with other machines on your network, as well as with local volumes such as your boot drive or a USB or FireWire-connected drive to compare performance. Finally, you can use an open-source software tool called iperf, which will give you the best raw numbers about overall network performance; it can also help you spot serious glitches as you see a network stressed to its maximum. Using iperf will show you the fastest rate at which your network can possibly perform, exclusive of protocols such as AFP or hard drive speeds.

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It gives you the maximum rate at which streaming media could come from an Internet connection to your computer. To start, you need to download and install iperf itself. You can download an older version of the program—iperf 1. If you choose that route, you must move it to your Documents folder, then carefully type the following on the command line, followed by a Return:. Or, if you have the Mac OS X developer tools, you can download and compile a newer version.

Go to Sourceforge to get the iperf source code. Click on the Download link on the main page, then click on the Download link on the next-to-the-latest release 2. Getting started with a Blackmagic product? Ask questions here about setup and installation. Author Message.

Benchmarking: AJA System Test

Chris Duncan Posts: Thu Dec 31, 6: Is the Speed Test app downloadable somewhere? I'm helping another user get going with the BMD software Fusion, Resolve and he's to the point of looking at system optimization. It would be great to have access to the speed test app to analyze his drives in order to determine whether or not he needs to buy faster ponies.

I have the Hyper Desk installation disk, but I don't see speed test as a standalone install option, and I don't want to clutter up his system with drivers that he doesn't need. Does BMD offer the speed test app as a download? If so, it would be most appreciated if someone could point me in the right direction. Chris Duncan ChristopherDuncan. Windows 7 64 bit, Xeon 3. Adam Simmons Posts: Thu Apr 04, 4: Building Bespoke Video Editing systems for over 16 years.

Here is AJA's version, and is a separate download. You might have plenty of average bandwidth, but have very low spikes. I use this on SD cards before field use. Some cards fail to give consistent speed. This test is good for that. Denny Smith Posts: Thu Aug 01, 4: USA, Northern Calif. Jay Bizzley Posts: Thu May 07, 4: