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Very useful tool for me to download videos on Youtube and Vimeo. The amazing thing is that it can get me almost every video to watch when offline. Also very easy to use and a big time-saver when downloading HD videos. Totally love it and will buy it if I need more features. What do you think about Total Video Downloader for Mac? Do you recommend it? View full description.

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PROS The capability of downloading files from multiple online portals. Simple search functions to retrieve videos once the process is complete: CONS Most advanced features can only be accessed after the product is purchased. May not support all video codecs and may require updates from time to time. Softonic review In the past it was nearly impossible to download online videos with the intention of watching them at a later date. Features Functions and Applications Total Video Downloader is able to work with all of the top websites. Additional Benefits Total Video Downloader also enables you to download videos in batches if desired.

Hey, Thiagu. We're getting the same result from that video. However, this method seems to work for other videos from that creator.

Various video types and resolutions

We're looking into why this works for some videos but not others. One last thing is I was going through your shortcut I don't see where you specify with the file type is that it saves as well as you're saving it as a video stream which doesn't make sense. If you dig into the shortcut's inner workings you'll notice a list of numbers 22, 18, 34, Those correspond to the youtube itag ids for mp4 videos which the iPhone supports in order from highest to lowest quality.

The shortcut asks youtube for info about the video, then uses those ids to prioritize which URL to try to download.

Appli Télécharger Video YouTube: Apps pour Télécharger Video YouTube sur iPhone

It appears that some videos require some additional kind of authentication before it'll let you download them using the URLs returned in that API call, while others don't, which is why some of you are having issues with some videos, but not others. It didn't work for me either - youtu. So are we just going to get the blank image for some videos? Just have to find s different version in order to be able to save it? Also, does anyone know if I would get in trouble for uploading something I get from YouTube to Vimeo?

I prefer Vimeo but they don't have the video I'm looking for which is what brought me to look for a way to do this. Thank for this info. If I can get it to work it's awesome! I'm using the YouTube app btw, I didn't try it through Safari because I read the other comments and it seems that just certain videos won't let you download, is that correct? Thx again! I can't get it to do anything when I try from Safari.

I tried the share option under the video and that didn't give the option for "more", so I tried the share at the bottom of the Safari page and did the shortcut and got nothing. I've tried several versions of the video and I'm not able to get it. Am I doing something wrong? Don't Miss: Step 1: Download Link: Download YouTube Shortcut. I'm only getting an html file when I try to download a file.

YouTube downloading made simple

It just returns a blank white image to my Photos app. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I just get the blank page, nothing even saved to photos. Save Video From Safari. Passes the video and that's about it.

Options are: Quick Look Save to Dropbox default to a top-level folder called "music", but you can change that Quick Look then save to Dropbox default "music" Share Cancel. Any tips? That is a link to the YouTube to MP3 that works correctly.

  1. Meilleur 10 Application pour Télécharger Vidéos et Musique YouTube sur iPhone.
  2. Flash player pour osx [Résolu].
  3. How to Download Twitter Video to iPhone Camera Roll, Mac, or Windows PC.
  4. How to download YouTube videos Mac.
  5. linux set fake mac address.
  6. mp610 driver for mac yosemite.

Recommended usage saving the file to Dropbox and playing it back that way. Am I missing something? Nothing happens when I choose run workflow from the action sheet and if I run it within the app it says the YouTube link doesn't appear to be a YouTube link.

Open this URL in Safari: If you don't see Download YouTube, could you screenshot and show me what you do see? I got it working. I just didn't wait long enough. The first time it took about seconds which feels like forever but since then it's been just a few seconds every time.

Les meilleurs convertisseurs de vidéos YouTube après la fermeture de YouTube-mp3 | UnSimpleClic

Also, I haven't been able to get it to work on anything more than very short videos. Is there an actual limitation there or is there something else preventing it, like maybe YouTube channel limitations. I am also not getting it to work on anything much longer than the example pointed to in this thread, I was trying to do a 3: I love the idea, so hope I can get it to work. Also is really useful if you want if you add the "Save file" action so you can upload the file to iCloud Drive. The more I use this app, the more I like it. Has anyone figured out how to parse json results yet?

I wanted to grab the title and save it as the file name via this sample API call:. Don't know if you figured it out yet but I'm doing something similar with my workflow for downloading from YT. Value for key: I can get this to work on my iPad fine but not on my iPhone. I just get a blank white screen in the quick view when the workflow runs on my iPhone. Is there a trick to getting it to work of the iPhone? The workflow should work on both devices!

Thanks for the great work! I extended the workflow. It opens QuickView at the end for preview and sharing for example to Dropbox. It works with a lot of videos but not with all. Any help why some won't work? For example, Oliver Onions works great 1 whereas Erasure doesn't. Oliver Onions OK: I tried to debug the workflow and copied the resulting links which have been passed to the "Get content of URLs" at the end.