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Re: OO crashes on trying to open. Are you using Intel or PPC? I just tried it with OO. Mac OS X I just looked back at my download history and it looks like I tried the OO3. Interesting that it's not a problem for you though I installed OOo3.

For OS X - a new utility for converting WP files to DOCX, DOC, or PDF

Does anyone know of any options or settings that I could try changing in 3. AOO 4. Re: OOo crashes on trying to open. Unfortunately it didn't make any difference Incidentally I do have an old version 2 profile but wasn't asked if I wanted to transfer my settings. Old extension can cause troubles in such cases. Renamed all these: OpenOffice. Anyway it's gone now and still the only way I can open the docx is by re-installing OOo3.

System specs are in my sig.

Top 15 PDF Converter for Mac

What can I do to troubleshoot this problem? I've reset my profile I did not have 2. Every time I get kicked to the file recovery dialogue, but it's blank--there are no files listed to recover I'd call this a bug, if I didn't know any better. Strange there aren't any solutions for this year old problem I have no idea if this combo would exist, thus I wanted to check with folks more knowledgeable than I on this.

Sometimes many free apps are available for a given task, so I seek insight form Mac folk. Thanks for your help. Neooffice does appear to co-exist with other suites so one could guess what else you had but if you are like me you feel some pain in your arm as it gets twisted into that new MS Office version. X for Mac.

OS X 10.4 Tiger, It is Obsolete Yet?

It showed some data, but columns were switched around, colors were added, only a few columns showed data. Bob, Thanks for the Google Docs info. Stangely, it yielded exactly what the MS converter did. I am asking the sender of the XMls doc to verify she sent a completed spreadsheet not a prelim version. Then if so, if she can convert it via Google Docs to send to me. I should note that the download asked me to close all apps, which I did. Then I was prompted to close Entourage Office notifications.

I went to the Office Notifications clock icon in the dock and selected 'force quit' quit was not an option. The install process let me continue. Bob, Mr.

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The problem was on her end. But at least now I know I can open. Big thanks for the two ways to solve the MS conspiracy! Discussion is locked. Follow Follow this discussion and email me when there are updates Stop following this discussion. Please remember to be considerate of other members.

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For OS X - a new utility for converting WP files to DOCX, DOC, or PDF

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