Merge cells

Article Summary. Open your Excel document. Double-click an Excel document to open it in Excel. If you haven't yet created the document, open the Excel program and click Blank Workbook.

Format des dates dans Excel

Select the cells you want to merge. Click one cell, then drag your mouse to select the other cell s you want to merge. For example, if you want to merge cells A1 through C1 , you would click and drag from A1 right to C1. The cells you merge must be touching each other; for example, you can merge A1 with B1 , but not with C1 without merging B1 as well. Click the Home tab. It's in the top-left side of the Excel window. This will bring up the Home toolbar below the green ribbon at the top of the Excel window.

Merge and unmerge cells

This box is in the "Alignment" section of options in the Home toolbar. Doing so will automatically merge your selected cells and center their content. Yes, of course that's possible. Choose 3 cells to be merged into a single cell, then repeat the process with the remaining three cells. Yes No. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 9. Cliquez sur OK pour valider. Chapitre n o 7. La fonction NB. SI de Microsoft Excel. La fonction ET de Microsoft Excel. La fonction OU de Microsoft Excel.

Etape 2/5. Définir des styles pour formater le classeur Excel

La fonction SI de Microsoft Excel. Fonction Esterr. Fonction Esterreur. Fonction Estna.

66 - Tableau : Diviser des cellules

Fonction Estvide. Fonction Estref. Chapitre n o 8.

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La formule cherche dans B2 :B9 le nom de la ville. Ici ce sont les lignes du tableau. La formule cherche dans C2 :C9 le nom de l'article. BBH2M discussion.

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Chapitre n o 9. Chapitre n o Overview of formulas in Excel.

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How to avoid broken formulas. Find and correct errors in formulas. Excel keyboard shortcuts and function keys. Excel functions alphabetical.

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  3. Excel - How to Merge Cells?
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  8. Excel functions by category. In this course: Move or copy cells and cell contents Article Change the column width or row height in Excel Article Find or replace text and numbers on a worksheet Article Merge and unmerge cells Article Apply data validation to cells Article Import or export text.

    Next: Formatting. Merge cells Merge two or more cells by following these steps: Select two or more adjacent cells you want to merge. Merge cells Click the first cell and press Shift while you click the last cell in the range you want to merge. To merge cells, follow these steps: Drag the selection handle to select the cells that you want to merge. On your iPad, tap Merge.

    Expand your Office skills. Get instant Excel help. Was this information helpful? Yes No.