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I may unsubscribe at any time. Improve This Answer. Processing your response There was an error processing your information. Please try again later. Please enter a reply. Reply Processing your reply Sort by: Oldest Newest Sorting replies Do these files have a CSV extension? You should be able to open them in Excel with no problem. You mention all you are seeing are commas. Is there any other data? It may be you file is corrupt.

How to convert Excel files to csv files

Are the commas in one Excel comma or do they fill multiple columns? Ask a Question. Question Title: Please be specific. Separate with commas. What is a Tag? Choose the needed separator in Excel. Then select the needed separator in the next step and click Finish. Change the. Opening a. Though the code was written a few years ago for older Excel versions and , if you are pretty comfortable with VBA, you won't have problems with updating it or modifying for comma delimited CSV files.

The customize Format dialog window will open and you choose a dot. Click OK twice to close two dialog windows and you are finished.

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Instead of opening a. In step 3 of the wizard, select the column s that contains values with leading zeros and change the column's format to Text. This will covert your CSV file to Excel keeping all zeros in place. Some values in your. As mentioned above, Excel opens CSV files in the General format and converts values that happen to resemble dates from text to a date. For example, if you are opening a. CSV file containing user logins, the entries similar to apr23 will be converted to dates in Excel. In step 3, select the column s with records that look enough like dates and change the column's format to Text.

If you are looking for the opposite, i.

To select multiple non-adjacent files , hold down the Ctrl and click each. With multiple CSV files selected, click the Open button. This method is straightforward and quick and we could call it perfect but for one small thing - it opens each CSV file as a separate Excel workbook. In practice, switching back and forth between several Excel files might be quite inconvenient and burdensome.

Import a csv file into Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets or Apple Numbers

Now let me show you how you can import multiple CSV files into one Excel workbook, placing each. To import several. This add-in works with all versions of Excel , , , and The evaluation version is also available and you can download it right now to follow this example more closely. The installation will take you just a couple of minutes. Select the files as you usually do in Windows Explorer hold Shift to select contiguous files or Ctrl to select non-contiguous files.

The result will look similar to what you see the screenshot below, and you click Next. Choose how exactly you want to import the selected CSV files to Excel. As you can see in the screenshot below, you have several choices. Typically, you click the last open that imports all of the selected CSV files into a single workbook, each file on a separate sheet. In the next step, you decide whether you want to import all the data or values only. When importing. The last thing for you to do is to choose the destination for the imported CSV files.

And again, you proceed with the default setting since the New workbook is the only available option. Click Finish , wait for a few seconds and get the desired result - multiple CSV files imported into one Excel workbook. Fast and painless, isn't it? As you understand, this was just one of the many possible applications of the Consolidate Worksheets Wizard.

Convert CSV to Excel: open or import CSV files into Excel worksheets

You can find more about this Excel add-in on its homepage. Hopefully, now you are able to convert any CSV files to Excel with ease.

  1. Convert CSV to Excel: how to import CSV files into Excel spreadsheets.
  2. Welcome to TechTarget's expert community for technology professionals..
  3. Import data from a CSV, HTML, or text file.
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If you have any questions or have run into any issues, don't hesitate to drop me a comment. And thanks for your patience everyone who has read this long tutorial to the end! Thank you so much for this useful information.

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Your detailed guidance has resolved my issue. Thank you, thank you, thank you sooooooooo much!!! You've saved me tons of workload!!!!

Import into Microsoft Excel

Thank you!!! The problem is that every record appears in a single column, Any advise how to fix this and make the data in csv.

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  • Please help me to convert that into an excel file where i can see the contact name, and number as well. I am wondering will the values get change when the csv file is opened and changed the format to Excelfile directly through "Save as" option.

    Import into Google Sheets

    Please advise me. Thanks in Advance: When i try to Add files, I cannot see the files as in the drop down to choose the type of file, there is no option to choose CSV files. It is limited to excel workbook or Please advise how i can merge them if i cannot choose my CSV files.

    Please choose the Excel files option in the Files of type list. This should include the csv files as well. I have four regions North south Central and North2 and files are saved as north-date. We have a problem when we want to transfer the data we scanned from the scanner to an excel file on our computer with the CSV format.

    For example if we put the number on the scanner, the 0 will vanish and we'll get 1 on the escel file. When we use the text format, the 0 will display but not with the CSV format. Do you have an explanation. Does the problem come from the scanner or excel? Thank you very much. To fins the cause of the problem, please try the following: Create a text document with some numbers like , , and so on.

    Convert this doc to an Excel file. See the values you get. How to prevent a. I have been importing txt files with the same format and everything worked fine until I get to the last two files. There is a column that is 14 characters long that was behaving as expected but this time, after changing each column to the appropriate type and converting, the 14 characters that show correctly in the data to be converted, are displayed in scientific notation e. Please do the following: Run the standard Excel Text to columns option.

    On step 3 select the Test radio button for your column with numbers and click Finish. The size of XLS file is more than 65K rows and even if i am trying to open it in excel its throwing an error. However if i will reduce the size its working fine. I can generate the file using CSV format but can't read it. Please Suggest how i can open and read the file of size grater than 65K rows. Sorry, we haven't been able to reproduce the issue. Please send us your csv file for test to support ablebits.