Getting started with your Conan Exiles Server

If you want to follow guides that are custom tailored to your exact router and Age of Conan simply follow one of these links:. After following those steps your ports should be forwarded. Head to our applications and games list for more port forwarding guides.

Network Utilities. Intro Download Buy News Support. Age of Conan offers the following genres of gameplay. MMO's are huge open worlds where large numbers of people play at the same time. The focus highly on character development and progression, as well as loot collection and grouping together. Role-Playing Games give you hours on end of game play where you can explore a new world through the eyes of your own character. They tend to be the longest style of game with the most immersive story lines. The IP address of the device that the game will play on: either your computer or your console.

The general process for forwarding a port is: Login to your router. When it comes to technicality we hit a critical spot here. The PS4 port is kind of nice but the controls are sometimes really klunky and sometimes more complex then they should be. Building houses is kind of neat then enraging because of clipping or placing issues you can just not prevent or get around.

After putting in tens of hours into this game going full solo survival on standard mode server I still get going. I m getting surprised by hard hitting sandstorms, I go stealth killing at night, I wrestle naked with crocodiles and got myself a nice trip throughout all the continents of Conan Exiles. Is this game worth buying? If this is something that easily bothers you then dont buy it at all.

Maybe wait a bit for some fixes and go for a sale deal. If you seek out a well made atmospheric survival game that gives you the thrill through your very personal development on your own with a nice variety of weapons, enemies, buildings and well designed continents that will eat up hours of your life like nothing then I d say you should give it a try. And it is also quite satisfying when going on your own. Still in regards to bugs, klunkiness and performance I can only rate it at although the fun factor is an easy 10 to me and I hope that Funcom will be able to polish it a bit more over time.

Ugly graphics think of in terms of visual fidelty , no story whatsoever, clumsy controls, counter-intuitive gameplay.

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The only highlight is the music think of the original Conan movie's soundtrack. After this and Fallout 76, I don't think I'll give any more shots to this open-world-survival-nonsense genre. I'm done. Oh, and it's buggy as well, so expect to lose your items once in a while!! This game is broken. Animations are poor, combats are terrible boring, crafting is insanely complicated and reiterative. So many bugs and glitches make this adventure really annoying.

Conan Exiles A simple Mess Conan Exiles is finaly out of early access and onto consoles You start the game choosing your mode, you can play pvp, pve, or offline single player and co op.. So you set off into this world to simply survive. This is a survival game, and one that I found to actually feel unique. You can choose to play this game like a mincearft where youre creating shelter and use it as a base, going out to gather items and come back… This is made easy thanks to this game not being some procedurally generated garbage… this is a beautifully hand crafted map with secrets caves, caverns, and bosses to encounter..

But again this game is just a mess..

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Theres just too much going on here under the hood, not enarly as much as a game like ark.. I felt leveling up and earning points to dump into my stats and unlock new items to craft was frequent enough to keep the game feeling rewarding as id play but the crafting menus and recourses needed to craft certain items just felt like too much work to me..

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I feel like the game almost discourages advanced recourse gathing in that way… gathering food of any consequence is needlessly complicated as well.. I also found it pretty annoying that after killing enemies you oculdnt take their weapons or gear.. This review is for other casual players like myself who could have benefited from this perspective before buying.

Maybe this isn't an issue for veteran games in this genre. The controls and access to your tools is incredibly cumbersome, unrewarding, and not well explained. You constantly have to go through menu after menu to find the crafting that makes up a lot of the gameplay and if This review is for other casual players like myself who could have benefited from this perspective before buying.

Conan Exiles dedicated server setup guide - Here's how to get one running

You constantly have to go through menu after menu to find the crafting that makes up a lot of the gameplay and if there is an easier way to do these things, I couldn't find it and was impeded by that. There is a lot of small text to read on a screen that might be better suited for a PC user interface but is tough on a TV screen. Framerate drops and gets choppy routinely both in-game and in cutscenes.

I thought this wouldn't bother me but it did.

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I feel like there's a fun world to explore here, but I just can't get to it. Horrible game company that tends to suspend their players at random and refuses to give players a reason Except: Sorry, its extremely busy we can't answer. I highly recommend to not deal with this company. Funcom games are also in general extremely buggy but every game does has its unique flavor.

Its just that the company is too horrible that I can't recommend any of their games. Summary: Buy it on PC. I saw how Funcom went from creating a terrible mess to improving it where it's actually a fun game. Sure, there're bugs, on this age of day 1 patches, the launch was surprisingly smooth. It has all the basics of survival games, and the advantage of a handcrafted map, instead of a randomly generated one. You have bosses and dungeons and always something to be Summary: Buy it on PC.

You have bosses and dungeons and always something to be working your way towards. For my taste, the resources are way too far apart, but I must confess these kind of games aren't really my cup of tea. Yet I cannot deny I'm having fun. I just regret buying it for PS4. I realize that's just a limitation of consoles, but there could be more improvements made for simple QoL tasks, like navigating the menus looking for something. I probably will play it for a while until I feel I got my money's worth, but that nagging feeling of playing on a subpar control scheme always returns whenever I have to do anything.

You've been warned. The framerate is terrible, if youre blessed enough to get it working. Otherwise game would be fun, if it was able to run.

How to setup a Conan Exiles dedicated server

This is not a retail game. It is so choppy and unplayable I'm getting sick. I'm not one to write reviews very often. So disappointed. The optimization is awful. The game hitches non stop on the PS4.

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It's an utter mess. I can look past the blah graphics but when I'm feeling like I want to throw up due to the horrible framerate This is not a retail game. I can look past the blah graphics but when I'm feeling like I want to throw up due to the horrible framerate that's unacceptable. This game is absolute garbage. I can't believe Funcom launched this. Save your money. Do not buy this game. You will be disappointed. Buyer beware.

You will regret your purchase.

How to setup a Conan Exiles dedicated server

This game is an absolute piece of garbage. Horrible graphics, clunky combat, no end game, no quest line I know it's a survival game but c'mon , buggy as hell.

Review this game

Not to mention you can't even see your own clan members on the map in a PVE server. Funcom, you nailed Age of Conan and totally crapped out rotten trash with Exiles.