
Secondly, MAC address is used only at data link layer ie. So, your MAC address cannot be known to anyone on the internet. Check it out again here. My computer keeps getting locked down by a hacker, I have reinstalled my Windows Ultimate like 4 times, and after about an hour of being online it gets locked down again and i have to start all over again. I NEED to figure this out to stop it. Sometimes its longer and sometimes its quicker. I don't have the money to buy a new wireless adapter. Filtering is good, network is good, router is good, password is good.

Questions tagged [windows-xp-sp3]

Im lost here, please help. Well, I don't think your machine getting infected has anything to do with MAC address being tracked. What you need to do is following: 1. You need to format the machine once so backup all data. Before you begin to format, use the windows bootrec.

How to change MAC address in Windows XP in HINDI - हिंदी में

This will overwrite any virus which has infected boot sector. Use command line cmd and on all drives you have find any hidden file called autorun. Delete all the inf files you find in the drive root. Download fresh setup from internet. Format the machine and enable automatic updates.

Troubleshoot Wireless Connection in Windows XP

Before connecting to internet on fresh formated machine, disable file sharing on your LAN card options. This will make sure that before the patches are installed, you dont get infected with worms on your network. Make sure you use updated browser. Best of luck! Thank you Shreyas Zare for a terrific free product! I'd very much like to know more about this odd Microsoft limitation of xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, what is it called?

This blog post would answer most of what you are asking. Apart from it, nothing much is known. You can even read a few comments on this post to get some details. When I click Change Button It shows the following error. Run-time error '1': Device Not found. If you can post some more info then I can know more to explain the error. I would like to ask is there anyway to hack the router password cos one of my collegue keep filter my Mac..

I need to log in the router and change the password Your help will be truly appreciated as I'm despair everyday have to worried about my internet connection If you add the function of change name host in way ramdom and the start in automatic to the lighting of the computer you have almost reached the perfection.

Connecting your PC to a LAN – Windows XP

I want to ask you that information type they capture the sites when it is visited them so that to recognize you for instance address ip, Mac I might add feature to change machine name in next release. No site on the web can read your MAC address. Your MAC address doesn't leave your local area network. Sites mostly rely on multiple techniques to restored the cleared cookies. Just make sure to delete browser cache every time just like you would want to clear cookies. Most browsers have options to do it when the browser is closed.

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For clearing flash cookies, use Better Privacy addon made for Firefox. I want to ask you still this. It's possible that a site know the geographic position of the computer that visit it? And, if it is, how to do in order to avoid to to be individualized? Well, there are a couple of ways sites can find out location.

Most use paid databases which tells a rough location based on IP address you can check sites like ip2location. Another way is using WiFi access point locations. Every time a browser asks you if its ok for the site to get your location and you click ok, your browser sends a list of all access points your laptop is in range with.

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For wireless network connects, set the first octet of MAC address as '02' and try again. I know one username and password for wifi network but my network tells me invalid calling station id whenever i try to connect that id and password and the valid calling station id i. Mac address for that username password is the given mac address. It would be very helpful for me if you provide me some tips and help. Thanking you frn and hope for your reply.

I can only think of any solution if you can give more info about the wifi network adapter. Just reply with wifi network adapter device description or email me screenshot of the software with the wifi adapter selected. I can login to check the account as well as i know the shared key of that router also, but that router is not in use then i want to use that account. So, you wont be able to change MAC address for it. Why is it happening so?

Windows XP SP3 Will Not Connect To Wireless Network - May - Forums - CNET

You cant change the MAC address for this adapter. I've licensed windows XP on my Laptop and receive regular hardware and software updates. What should I do now?? The problem is you have latest drivers installed. Please read the post and comments for info. Tried using "02" config and also disabled and re-enabled the Wi-Fi network as mentioned earlier by you.

Still doesn't work. What is the possible reason and what is its solution? If its not then please mention the full network adapter description in comment. You can try if it works by uninstalling the current drivers and installing the old ones you have. Looks like I won't be able to change because of the first octet issue. Do you think there is a workaround? There is no work around for the issue and you will need to set the second bit of the first octet as explained in the post.

CNET Forums

It will be very helpful if you teach me how to crack the WPA2 Set security shared key Nice explanation by the author. I actually visited the blog for another issue but I had wondered why I couldn't change my MAC address for the wireless adaptor with a "00" first octlet. Perhaps someone can help me with something else. Recently, I no longer see the "Local Area Connection 2" in the menu, even after refreshing or restarting the program The link status was always "Up, Non Operational" just like the 2nd wireless connection, so it's probably irrelevant I'm just curious as to where it went.

Thanks for the compliments and welcome. If the connection you are referring didnt list in windows network connections then the device is removed without uninstalling. In such case, the device driver still has registry entries which TMAC uses. So you will see the network adapter in TMAC while it doesnt really exists.

Please help me. Just post a screenshot in comments or email it to me to check out the issue. I do not know much about this, but I'm haveing some problems. It only says it's a successfull change if I use 02 as first octet, but I lose my internett conection.