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The preview version available at the moment lets you play online against seven other players, practice online against bots of various difficulties , and party up with friends. Open beta will add ranked matchmaking and cross-play across all devices, and it will share your rank and progression across the above. The Encyclopedia function lets confused newbies like me look things up, at least. Maybe in Season One, eh? The preview build is available now if you have the Dota 2 Battle Pass; if not, open beta should be kicking off in around a week. Lost your password?

Dota Underlords, Valve's stand-alone version of Auto Chess, is available now for owners of the Battle Pass and entering open beta shortly. This will completely take over all bots -- no team-level or mode-level thinking will happen. You will be responsible for issuing all action-level commands to all bots.

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Bots that have been completely taken over still respect the difficulty modifiers see Appendix B , and still calculate their estimated damage. Please see Appendix A for implementation details if you'd like to chain calls from a hero-specific mode override back to a generic mode override. If you would like to override minions, which are illusions, summoned units, dominated units, etc. Basically anything that's under control of your hero. But not couriers. Then you can override the think function inside your hero file. This function will be called once per frame for every minion under control by a bot.

Action commands that are usable on your hero are usable on the passed-in hMinionUnit. Once installed, when launching Dota 2 you will see a "Launch Dota 2 - Tools" option. This will launch the workshop tools, which now has a section for uploading your bot scripts. The description can be updated, but the title cannot! Once uploaded, your scripts will show up to all Dota 2 users in the dialog that appears when they select Browse On Workshop when selecting bots in a private lobby. They will be able to upvote and subscribe to your bot scripting, and select it for their games.

Note: In the following documentation, hUnit indicates a handle to a unit, and hAbility indicates a handle to an ability. Causes a grid to draw on the world or the minimap. One of the utility functions available to bot scripts is GetUnitPotentialValue , which returns a value between 0 and that represents an estimation of how likely it is that a hero is within the specified radius of the specified location.

This value is based the potential location grid that is updated during bot games. Fixed spectating and replays for Custom Games on dedicated servers. Fixed error particles appearing when a sentry ward died. Searching items while on the loadout page will result in those items being selected in the loadout page instead of opening the item details page.

Fixed a bug where sometimes a courier or ward portrait would be empty after selecting the unit.

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Fixed a bug where particles associated with gems weren't showing up in loadout views. Fixed a number of bugs with particles appearing correctly on couriers both in loadout and in-game. Greevils are still known to not appear correctly in loadout. Fixed a bug where items with more than 8 styles wouldn't appear correctly in loadout pages [Smeevil, for example] Fixed a crash when buying a courier, activating the courier item, selecting the courier, then buying another courier and activating it.

Custom Games Added support for up to 24 players in custom games. Custom Games can now be played on official dedicated servers. You'll start seeing Overthrow and Dota 10v10 on our servers today, and we'll expand coverage to other games in the near future. Gameplay Wards now give a visual indication before you click to place them if the location is invalid Mid-lane river ramps seperation lessened. Updated neutral camp spawner locations and nearby tree formations to bring them more in line with Source1.

Fixed a bug with selecting lanes on the map during hero selection. Courier and ward loadout screens are now mostly functional. Due to a known issue, particle systems on couriers may sometimes appear incorrectly in this release. Hero selection performance has been improved for players who own many items. Fixed jittery portrait animation. Fixed some hero sounds getting stuck on when clients requested a full network update e.

Fix networking bug causing extremely high packet loss in matches that are using the new relay protocol. This caused many clients to be stuck at the loading screen. Panorama Added the Entities. SFM Fixed a crash during movie layoff.

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Fixed movie layoff to write alpha if requested. Reduced map compile time. Fixed excessive memory usage when adding many layers to a map using the tile editor. Fixed some server crash exploits. Phoenix's Egg will now animate correctly during Supernova. Fixed Dazzle's Shallow Grave allowing illusions to outlive their expiration. Fixed a server crash with Echoslam. Enabled South African servers for Reborn. SFM: fixed regression causing create animationset for character to fail to create an animationset.

Dota Underlords

SFM: recording no longer requires disabling model combiner, fixing recording from demo files to record heroes correctly. Improved Armory performance with many items. Addressed a network issue where some messages may have been lost during busy fights that could have resulted in stuck particles.

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Fixed some cases where you would be unable to see last hit indicators during packet loss. Fixed a crash with certain cosmetic items with large numbers of socketed gems. Material Editor: Fixed a crash when toggling a setting that changes the translucency state of a material while that material is loaded in other tools or in game. Dota2 will now choose the high performance graphics card automatically on laptops with multiple graphics devices. General Added support for recycling.

Fixed a case where framerate could hitch while loading resources. Fixed a bug with shadow demon's shadow poison not hitting disrupted units properly. Fixed El Gato flying courier Ward dispensers now clone state onto illusions correctly. Fixed a rendering issue with Ember Spirit's Remnant.


Fixed a bug where on closing the join chat channel popup, focus went back to the page rather than to chat. Fixed console spew with Bristleback's Immortal item. Mac: Improved frame rate on HD cards. GetNumBuffs , Entities. GetBuff , Players. Tools Hammer: Fixed bug where editing a tile set and then switching to a map using it got progressively slower with each update. Particle Editor: Fix for hitboxes when setting, clearing the setting a new model.

Dota Underlords available now, is stand-alone Auto Chess

SFM: Added a context menu in the viewport to control map layer visibility. The new graph shows which team is gaining the gold advantage in each lane throughout the game. Fixed a recent bug with drag and drop selling of items. Fixed issue where some particle systems attached to heroes were not displaying in the correct locations. Fixed an issue with Earth Spirits Boulder Smash not triggering on nearby stones. Phantom Assassin's Arcana should now create swords correctly.

Fixed a problem with Terrorblade's Arcana illusions not animating. Added script function GetTreeIdForEntityIndex which allows converting an enity index into a tree id for use with unit orders. General Fixed network settings resetting at startup Fixed a case of inconsistent framerate on some video drivers in DX9 Earth Spirit will now walk into range to cast Boulder Smash.

Fixed an issue when Treant Protector's Eyes in the Forest was not being detected with truesight correctly. Fixed TI5 Music pack not respecting the music volume slider Radiant towers now attack at the correct speed. HUD error messages do not display when effects are disabled for orders submitted using PrepareUnitOrders. Fixed a crash when using SetContextThink on Abilities.