Lightweight, simple media player based on Quicktime

This is an interesting one, because it started out as a menu bar extra before evolving into a full-fledged calendar app. But click the icon and you gain access to an extended forecast, and hourly predictions for temperature and rainfall. Apple would have people use full-screen mode in order to focus, but that can be a jarring interface, not least when you need to switch between quite a few apps.

HazeOver provides an alternative — a kind of dimmer switch that reduces distractions by fading out background windows.

Editors' Review

When they hit a specific battery capacity or are fully charged up when plugged in , the app will let you know. Whether you want to track CPU or memory usage, disk capacities, network and fan speeds, or how your batteries are doing, iStat Menus provides tiny graphs in the menu bar.

Click them and they expand into a wealth of info to satisfy even the geekiest user. If you like, the app will also list your appointments over the coming days. Apple inexplicably stopped enabling you to switch display resolutions from the menu bar a while ago, presumably because it reckons every display should use its most optimal settings.

Solved: Now playing showing in menu bar - The Spotify Community

If you need to regularly switch resolutions, Resolutionator does the business. Perhaps you spend time playing games, or get sucked into social networks. On doing so, Vanilla collapses, hiding the relevant icons. If you pay for pro, you can set specific icons to never appear, automatically hide icons after five seconds, and always have Vanilla start at login. The menu bar component conveniently lists all of the apps you have open, and on selecting a window from one of them will immediately bring it to the front. Follow IntegoSecurity.

Background Music - Background Music, a macOS audio utility: automatically pause your music, set individual apps' volumes and record system audio. BlackHole - BlackHole is a modern macOS virtual audio driver that allows applications to pass audio to other applications with zero additional latency.

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Cog - Cog is an open source audio player for macOS. The basic layout is a single-paned playlist interface with two retractable drawers, one for navigating the user's music folders and another for viewing audio file properties, like bitrate LocalRadio - LocalRadio is software for listening to "Software-Defined Radio" on your Mac and mobile devices.

How to put name on the Menubar of Mac® OS X™

Lyricism - macOS app to show you lyric what currently iTunes or Spotify is playing. ShazamScrobbler - Scrobble vinyl, radios, movies to Last. Sonora - Minimal, beautifully designed music player for macOS. SpotMenu - Spotify and iTunes in your menu bar. SpotSpot - Spotify mini-player for macOS.

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