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Given this release comes just two months after the 4. Firestorm 4. When can we expect to see Firestorm catch up with the fixes other viewers have implemented ages ago? So…where is Firestorm? Do you mean this fix?

Mac « Firestorm Viewer – The Phoenix Firestorm Project Inc.

This only works if your shape is modify. The devs also did not like the way this fix was implemented. Please comment and vote on http: This feature was not adopted because the team regarded modifying a user asset by scripting calls as potentially dangerous and overall very ugly practice. But that is infinitely superior to the present state of affairs of no workaround at all. Presently, players are forced into an even uglier workaround, that being just saving a half-dozen different shapes of different hover values to manually juggle between in the hopes of finding a good pre-made match.

Is the current workaround used in other browsers perfect?

Its a bug in the official viewer that everybody else is also stuck with I guess. Any fix a TPV makes is going to have limited impact at best. Pussycat Catnap.

Install Phoenix Firestorm viewer for Second Life on Mac OSX

I just installed the new version. It gives me a crash error log. I never had a problem with this before. Great job firestorm team, the performance of the 64 Bit version is stunning.

I am sure it is something you guys are looking in to. The interest list changes in viewer-interesting will get picked up, probably in the next major release. This release was all about bug fixes and such, and those changes were too significant for that. Project Interesting only became publicly released while we were nearing the end of our QA period of this build.

Interesting will take a considerable amount of work to merge into the viewer as it touches and involves a LOT of code. We will try to get it out in our next release. Good Job!!! Seems to be the best viewer you ever have made.

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Is it something i need to do? Can i read about it in the wiki? Thanks Again! Freja If you performed a clean reinstall exactly as the wiki outlines, you will not need to touch your cache. The only time we recommend anyone clearing their cache is for specific texture corruption issues and the rare inventory issue. Guys, thank you for all the improvements and fixes.

Your installer has deleted the existing installation in my portable apps folder and created new one in standard program files folder. Is this the bit installer? It only asked me if I agree with user agreement and then did everything by itself. I can assure you.. Once you click it you see http: Can not confirm it now since I can not install the previous version anymore. Anyway, since installer knows where previous installation is, it would make sense to install to the same folder by default.

Thank you! If you see this issue happening repeatedly, please contact our support team and submit the following message: This error happens when the install is messed up in some way. Please do a clean install and your problem will be fixed. Instructions for how to do this are here: In the first impression, a fast viewer in the 64 bit version. Unfortunately, still with far too few texture memory, but we are in constant expectation, that we will also arrive with this sometime the 21st century.

To judge all others, it is not yet time. However, at least no bad surprises after installation. Thanks to the development team for their dedicated work. Release 1. I hate to sound like a train wreak but there is an issue. I can easily take care of the pink attachments problem…. I think if I can get this issue resolved I will be happy with the new version.

Any Ideas? How do I know which version I should install, 32 or 64? Any help or tips will be much appreciated. Beryl Landar. Now to try the Generally, the version of FS you install should be the same rating as your O. Windows 7- 32 bit needs the Firestorm 32 bit version.

Windows 7- 64 bit will run the Firestorm 64 bit or the 32 bit. Which version you choose depends largely on how well the version works. Your Graphics card can also have an effect on this too. Basically, try and choose.

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See the announcement: Firestorm Viewer Release 4. Also, Inra has a nice review of this release up here: I used to get a choice, now I have to move the folder and make a new shortcut for my system. It is a minor whinge since on the whole this is a graet piece of code! Congratualtions once again to the devs. Error 0xba: Failed authenticode verification of payload: Same error. This is NOT a clean install. On the other hand I am hugely reluctant to zap my existing installation until I am sure this one will install.

You need to update your root certificates http: You will need to update your operating system root certificates. You get do that from here.. We cannot provide support or help in these blog comments. If you need or want help please contact our support team through the correct channels. See our support page for more information. We meaning support staff sometimes visit the blog and post comments. Sometimes not. Your best bet for support related questions is inworld via our Firestorm Viewer support group or through the jira.

You need to goto your access page and become an Administrator rather than a user.

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MS is really retarded here, since this problem has been going on since 3. Once you set yourself up as an Administrator, stay there. How is Microsoft retarded? Cant find a simple fps counter that would show just numbers, so i had to use the led.

Cant find a way of removing the, sorry to type as this: Message, that we are entering on a region running a diff simulator version. For some that travels every day on a few hundreds of mainland regions, to see every time we cross a sim, that thing, is simply disturbing at the best. Of course i forgot to tell that i run all at ultra, lifelike settings, shadows up to 4x and draw distance, without a single fps issue, finnaly some viewer that justifies my Gtxti investment. Win 7 64b, 12 giga ram ddr3 and intel 7 cpu my other main requirements. Hoooo and bridge detached always Sorry but i do refuse to use that thing until some shows me why we do need it on open sim or even on Sl , ao feature on on Open sim, off on Sl as i use sub ao there.

So in the end, no problems to install, launch and start enjoying OSgrid. On Sl, besides those really annoying notices, for some that moves around so many sims and that i do hope one wil tell me how to deactivate asap, worked as expected. If Firestorm team decides to do a lite version, just with v3 interface and just the features one really needs for sure it will be my viewer on sl as it is on open sim.

As at now, it is a pretty good improvement but not my Sl viewer. What I have works fine for me as it is. What I have now 64 bit is wonderful enough.