Move and copy items in your system

Viewed 87k times. JShoe JShoe 7 7 gold badges 23 23 silver badges 39 39 bronze badges. Yes, you can use scp , which basically cp over ssh. Ryan Gibbons Ryan Gibbons 5 5 silver badges 12 12 bronze badges.

macos - Copying files across computers using SSH and MAC OS X Terminal - Stack Overflow

The scp command on Linux is how you do file transfers using SSH. CenterOrbit CenterOrbit 1, 10 10 silver badges 10 10 bronze badges.

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Using the OS X Terminal instead of the Finder to copy files

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The Mac Terminal Commands Cheat Sheet

Enjoyed this article? Stay informed by joining our newsletter! Enter your Email. Scroll down for the next article. List in a long format. Includes file mode, owner and group name, date and time file was modified, pathname, and more. List files and folders, totaling the size including the subfolders. Shows the previous commands you've typed.

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  4. The difference between copying and moving files!

Add a number to limit to the last n items. Change the ownership of a file to user and group.

  1. Move a file or folder locally!
  2. Master the command line: Copying and moving files on the Mac | Macworld;
  3. 1. Show hidden files and folders!

Add -R to include folder contents. Output currently running processes. Here, a shows processes from all users and x shows processes that are not connected with the Terminal.