For Android Apps

But anyway, you provided a working solution using Apple software, which is the best possible solution: If you try to add an app which already exists on the device e. Apple Configurator will download the IPA store it temporarily like noted above and ask you if you want to overwrite or do nothing. You can have iTunes Install iTunes Copy the iTunes app and paste it to where you want, rename if necessary. Hold Option and double click iTunes. Create a new library in a separate location. Manually download the latest iTunes from Apple's website and run the installer to update your main copy of iTunes.

Optional Change your iTunes Right-click, Get Info, drag new icon onto existing icon. This version of iTunes no longer functions in macOS Mojave. After the Configurator downloads the new version, an ipa file will Temporarily appear in a sub-sub-directory of the: Excellent answer, it's worked!! This page has the same directions, just with images and a little more description. I'm one of the developers of iMazing. Imazing seems to be the only one that works. Apple Configurator 2 risks changing a device. Imazing worked great for me.

How to copy a discontinued iOS app to another iOS device | Macworld

Their UI 2. If you go to the Apps section in the sidebar, select the app and "Copy to Mac" you get what looks like a data backup with an. It took me a while to figure out why people were saying this app worked for IPAs.

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  • Install iPhone or iPad apps .IPA after iTunes update?

Just confirming that iMazing worked for me. As EricMcNeill said, the UI is a little tricky to figure out, but if you follow his instructions it does work. For me, I already had the app downloaded to my iPhone, then once I was in the "Manage Apps" section of iMazing I just clicked the download icon to download the app to my MacBook, and then once downloaded I could right click and choose "Export. Andrew Garvie Andrew Garvie 1.

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  • Install IPA with iTunes 12 - Stack Overflow?
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Not helpful at all. If you read the question, you'll see that I'm not concerned at all with installing an IPA file to a device. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook.

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How to get .ipa onto device now that iTunes doesn't contain apps?

Related 1. Hot Network Questions. But many people have limited internet bandwidth, or even bandwidth caps, and if they have multiple iOS devices in their household - say, for example, a family with two children could have four or more devices - they'll be using up a lot of data to get apps and updates.

And some people store archives of apps, so they can play games, for example, that they don't have space to store on their iPhone or iPad, or reload certain apps that they only use for specific projects or at specific times of the year. You can use iMazing to download apps. IPA from the App Store to your computer. Furthermore, while iTunes no longer displays apps, it hasn't deleted existing apps from your computer.

You can import your downloaded. And best of all, iMazing's free version comes with all these app management features fully unlocked! Here's how to download and install apps to an iPhone or iPad if you have iTunes On Windows, it's found in C: Please go to imazing.

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  • For iOS Apps.

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