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But only in safari " Cancel " click also reload the page. I have tested in Safari 5. Learn more about Teams.

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Disable F5 key in Safari 4 Ask Question. Is this a bug with Safari 4 or is there some safari specific code i need to write? I can simply press the reload icon and get the effect you're trying to prevent. No sane browser will ever let you have that level of control over its working and you shouldn't attempt to do this! This smells horribly like the right-click blockers of times best forgotten Fix your site so that refreshes don't break it rather than try to wrangle the multitude of browsers into doing your bidding.

Are you then blocking ctrl-r too? That refreshes in atleast Firefox too. I can imagine that other browsers have their own custom refresh buttons.

Safari 5 (PC)

It's just not a viable thing to do. It's impossible functionality. For one thing, I have my browser Opera configured so that JS can't hide the toolbars or address bar, as I absolutely despise sites that try to do that. If you need to prevent the action made on a refresh then handle it in server side. That's all well and good to say, and I agree in principal, but sometime you don't have an option. For instance, in the case I am working on, I am working on Vendor-supplied code.

I have access to the JSP, but nothing else, and my employer is currently on an old version, so getting the vendor to change code is not possible besides, the vendor is retarded, and probably couldn't fix it anyhow.

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Meanwhile, I have a support issue that requires me to disable refresh for users. Most of my users wouldn't even know how to turn off JS. WRast WRast 61 1 1 silver badge 1 1 bronze badge. Yes, it appears to be a bug with Safari 4 Windows. However, opening an alert stops it, but that is a rough trade off. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

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Featured on Meta. Custom Filters release announcement. This is done by doing a force refresh by pressing both control and F5 buttons simultaneously on your keyboard depending on your browser. Most times a simple force cache refresh won't work and you need to clear the cache by hand.

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On this site you can find step by step guides for Chrome , Firefox 3 , Firefox 2 , Internet Explorer 8 , Internet Explorer 7 , Internet Explorer 6 , Safari and more on how to refresh your cache. Internet cache can threat to your privacy as everyone who has access to your computer can see some personal information by simply opening the cache folder.

Also when the cache fills up, performance can slow down and your hard drive may run out of space. In the same way that your web browser has a cache of recent web pages, your Internet Service Provider ISP may be doing some caching on your behalf. In some rare cases, even though you are using shift-refresh to get new data from a webpage, the pages still seem to be old. This may be because your Internet Service Provider also has a cache and their cache may not be set up quite right, and they are not downloading the latest web pages.