Convert the heathens of Isola Island!

Nevertheless, Virtual Villagers 5 is a gently compelling game if you give it a chance. The biggest criticism of the game has to be the graphics. While the cartoon style is OK, there has been no improvement over the last game and the interface is starting to look tired. The Villagers could be better animated too, as Virtual Villagers 5 looks incredibly basic for For fans of the series, Virtual Villagers 5 is more of the same, so if that's what you want you will enjoy it.

Overall it's a shame this fifth installment doesn't really include any major improvements or gameplay innovations. What do you think about Virtual Villagers 5? Do you recommend it? Dreaming of an ad-free web? Browse with Brave.

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Learn more. Virtual Villagers 5 New Believers sees you return to the island of Isola, but this time your villagers have been trapped by a tribe of unbelieving heathens! Learn how your comment data is processed. Nov 4, Hot Games. Clouds, fog, and sudden downpours drenching your tribe. Real-time gameplay: new surprises every time you turn the game on! Discover who among your tribe is destined to become Chief! Investigate and rebuild the remains of a ruined city! A villager will bring an herb to the lab and put it on the table. Only three herbs can be collected and stored at any time.

A potion requires three herbs, in any combination of the five or six available. See the Potion Recipes section for specific potion walkthroughs. When the lab table is holding three herbs, drop an Adept or Master Scientist onto the table and he or she will begin preparing the potion. You can have the scientist or any other villager test a potion—but if it is harmful, the villager's health will be compromised.

Any time you have free people that aren't researching or nursing or collecting food, keep them working on Clearing Leaves :. Sending lots of untrained villagers to clear leaves at the grassy area to the far right of the village will help you complete Puzzle 4, and is also an easy build project that will give builders experience.

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People tend to wander off from this project so use the chief to help direct work. You might consider setting your villagers to this before you turn the game off for the night, and coming back to the completed results in the morning a burial area. At this point, if you are going to keep playing for a while and want the instant gratification, purchase Level 2 Alchemy so that your scientist can make more potions without blowing himself up.

But, if you can take a break and let the clock run for awhile to accrue more tech points, wait to buy Save for Level 2 Alchemy when your points are back up. So, if you buy Level 2 Alchemy at this point, I would keep your scientist on potions, your farmer harvesting honey and fruit when the tree is mature , and your builder on clearing leaves. You'll need a couple of Adept Builders for this; the Chief will be of assistance too. Drop at least two builders on the broken machine in the orchard. When they have repaired it, it can be used to harvest seeds from the tree above the orchard.

Two more seeds can be planted in total. The lift only works in the rain, so you'll have to either wait for rain to come, or create rain by performing a weather dance Puzzle 5. When it starts to rain, drop a villager on the platform of the lift while it is still on the ground a villager cannot board the lift once the platform has begun to raise.

The rain will fill the bucket which will raise the villager up to get a seed. Plant the seed right away. After the third tree has sprouted, the seeds that drop from the tree will go into the food bin. Once all three trees are mature and producing fruit, you will have completed Puzzle 10 The Orchard. If you can support them with food, don't forget to make babies if you haven't already Try to always have a baby in the village, as long as your population will support it.

Draw the Bath Plans. Drop the Master Builder onto the blank drawing board in the alchemy lab. He will make plans for repairing the bath Puzzle 8 , and you can start putting builders on this.

This project takes a long time; a Chief directing work will help. At this point, the game can go many different directions, based on your play variables. Here are the specific solutions for the remaining Puzzles:. Drop your chief on the fire and he will start to do a rain dance. Drop at least two other farmers on the fire as well, and rain will happen. If you did not get a "puzzle completed" pop-up window, you might need to add another farmer, so repeat the process of dropping the Chief and then three farmers onto the fire.

Virtual Villagers 3 - 2: The Decision

Make sure the bath is totally completed, at which point the plans will disappear from the lab chalkboard. Drop a Master Builder on the chalkboard again to draw plan for repairing the statue. Then, fly a Master Builder over the stone path to the key door.

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At some point, the builder will "see a good place to anchor the statue. Then, drop your chief onto the statue to direct work. Put as many builders as you have free onto this project, which takes a really long time. They will slooooooowly inch the statue up the hill and back into position. Getting Rid of the Sharks.

Virtual Villagers - The Secret City

Prerequisites: Level 2 Faction, a working alchemy lab and Adept Scientist. Once you have the sixth herb from leveling up in your faction, you can get rid of the sharks with a potion. Have a scientist make the potion, then use it. She will then fill a vial with the potion, carry it to the ocean and dump it in. The sharks will disappear and your villagers can fish in peace. From here on out, you don't have to worry about food any longer.

Virtual Villagers 3 - The Secret City Game Download Free Walkthrough

Put a Master Doctor near or in the bath; he will begin collecting lotus flowers and placing them in the bath bowls. Once all six bowls are filled, drop the doctor on the fire. He will light a torch and then light the flower bowls to create aromatherapy. The White Gem Key Prerequisites: None, but you have to wait for the fire to burn a certain amount of time.

Guide a tribe of castaways

You will know it's ready when it is giving off sparkles. If you can't see sparkles but think it might have been long enough, you can check by dropping a villager on the waterfall on the right. If he or she collects water in a bowl and dumps it on the fire pit, you can solve this puzzle.

If she just gets a drink, you'll have to wait longer. So, you can either have the villagers put the fire out with water in bowls , or you can just wait for the fire to burn out. When the fire is out, you will see a white diamond gem on the fire pit.