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Which is all well and fine but shouldn't be presented as a bargain. Very decent of Apple to turn a blind eye on the people using this technique to acquire free copies. This sort of dishonest behaviour should never be condoned, so a neg from me. And Apple ripping off Oz customers is ethical business practice? No, this is NOT theft. Apple is giving these products away. There have been numerous news stories about this. This is not illegal and it is not piracy. Really, they don't care if you're paying for the software: if you're buying a mac, they win.

That was for new Mac Purchases. I know it would be stretching things to suggest that Apple would care about folks who can't afford to buy their software, in this way, but… we can hope. I'm not going to pass judgement on the ethical implications of this, but for those who can afford it, please buy it. For those who struggle and really need to do it, then I'm not going to pass comment. Considering the price is very low, I have trouble believing that anyone who buys an Apple computer a premium purchase in itself cannot afford this software.

Can someone confirm this? All trademarks are owned by their respective owners. OzBargain is an independent community website which has no association with nor endorsement by the respective trademark owners.

Apple Numbers 3.6 for Mac review

Moved to Forum: Original Link Just tried this and it works fine. It works but I had to neg because I think it's theft. Neg from me for the same reason. I'm going to have to go back to iWork 09 till they give us some of the missing features back. If you want to type letters and do basic things, iWork will do it for you. If you really need to work, though, it's no longer the best choice. Use iWork '09 if you can get it. Its a distaster, all my old files don't work! To open it, save it with Keynote '09 first. Not sure what I'm going to do, but I have to do something soon I teach Friday and I can't open my files.

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This review was originally posted on VersionTracker. We use Pages as the only word processor in our law office. We have effectively done away with Word. Pages is far superior in nearly every way. If you give Pages a chance, if you learn Pages and don't demand it have the same interface as Word, you will quickly discover that Pages kicks Word's butt. The first thing it is is stable. That alone makes it superior to Word.

How to download Apple’s iWork apps on older Macs for free

However, it is fast, has tons of features, and clean. MS Office is bloated. Word is slow. Word is buggy. Pages is a gazelle, Word is an elephant.

How to Get iWork for Free on Older Macs

Serious writers should look hard at Pages. If it works in a law firm, with line numbered documents, and the very strict formatting requirements court's require, it will work for most people. We switched out of frustration over the slowness and instability of MS Office. However, even if Microsoft were to suddenly fix their software, an unlikely possibility, we'd stay with Pages. This program is clean, stable, and well done. Nice work, Apple. And Keynote is exceptional.

Numbers, I can't vouch for. But it seems easier to use than Excel. OK, that's not quite true, but iWorks '09 is the first release for which that's not a ridiculous statement. This is true for both Office '08 and ' I use Pages to write scientific papers and documents. I need moderately fancy layout capabilities to incorporate graphics into my documents and aside from that I need it to stay out of my way.

Pages loads much faster and is much more responsive than Word, and it's more stable.

Where to download iwork '06

Incorporating graphics into my documents is so much easier than Word I can't begin to tell you how much time I've saved. Importing and exporting from and to Word is seamless occasionally there are notes that something didn't import perfectly, but I can rarely spot the difference even when it's flagged. Exporting to Word on the fly -- directly to email, for example -- is effortless and completely solves the problem of collaboration. In earlier versions of iWorks I had problems with references and bibliographies, but Bookends from Sonny Software works fine with ' I understand Endnote does as well, but haven't tried it.

I only fire up Word these days when I forget and double-click on a doc instead of the faster right-clicking and opening in Pages. Numbers has finally grown up. I couldn't use the previous version because it couldn't do a number of things error bars and trend lines were the two worst, as I recall but they're now working fine.

There are still a couple problems -- Excel imports CSV and tab-delimited files much better -- but Numbers' workflow and model seems much more sensible now that I'm used to it. Again, Numbers launches faster and is more responsive and stable than Excel. Keynote, I rarely use, though it's certainly not bad. PowerPoint seems a little more versatile, and though Keynote probably has better templates and transitions, I don't use templates or transitions much.

Powerpoint is nicer for exporting in different formats e. All in all, the package as a whole is as useful as Office. Depending on your specific needs you might have some requirement for an Office feature that's not present in iWorks, but for the vast majority I think iWorks would be at least as function, and I think for almost everyone it's going to be faster, more responsive, and just easier to use.

I have tried so hard to like Pages. There is probably no program I have worked harder at trying get it do what it is supposed to do. Full of bone headed ideas about user interaction which go to show why no-one else is reinventing the wheel to put several corners on it. All poorly support by useless Help and a really poorly written User Guide.

At face value it looks OK. Scratch the surface and try to do real work and you find the mess beneath. It has a crazy split between "Word Processing mode" and "Layout mode" because the Apple programmers didn't have a clue how to just get it to do both. Odd unannounced functions fail in one or the other. The Layout mode is the more shambolic of the 2 with so many things that don't work it would be hard to list them all. The Spelling checker in both has to be one of the worst implemented of any program I have ever seen.

It is constantly confounding users and seems mostly to just not work. This is strictly for your desktop printer. To give this its technical definition, that is largely a lie.