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Run the steps below to create your project files and make sure everything is synced and linked. If everything is configured properly, you should see the Drupal 8 installation page on your local web server.

How to Connect via SSH and SFTP to Google Cloud on MacOS Sierra

Follow on screen instructions to finish installing Drupal:. Check the app. Then use the gcloud app deploy command to deploy your app. You should have a web server probably apache running php 7. If you do not already have necessary components installed use the steps below or follow the detailed instructions on Andy Miller's blog.

If you are using Google Cloud SQL for your database, make sure you have configured your service accounts with proper permissions, roles, and keys. You can find the official Google documentation here. To make sure brew was installed use brew --version. To be safe, let's run brew doctor.

See the guide linked on the top of this section for detailed setup guide. You also need to enable some modules. Below I will outline how I created this project. I will cite sources and document my process for anyone that might be interested. These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

See deployment notes on how to deploy the project on a live system. In a separate location download this project's composer. We will study this file to create our app and deploy it to Google App Engine. In your project's root folder place the composer. We will be initializing our project here.

Edit the default composer. We are not going to need multiple sites or local. So those parts should be removed. Notice the changes made on the second composer. We added php7. Relevant files were modified to enable composer install and deployment to Google App Engine Flex. Skip to content. Dismiss Join GitHub today GitHub is home to over 40 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.


Sign up. PHP Branch: master New pull request. I wonder if it is the staging step that tries to use git. This issue is from rdayal I just copied it over here. My first guess is that this has nothing to do with us, and just happened to occur at the same time due to other things in a new Eclipse install. I remember having seen this in one of the UX sessions we conducted. Like in this case, this happened when the user clicked on the Deploy to App Engine Standard Yes, I think it may be related to something we are doing.

I can reproduce it on my machine consistently, and the install of Eclipse is no longer new. Is the git binary being called as part of 'gcloud app deploy', or as part of deployment in the common library? I certainly didn't think it was being called, but I don't know.

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Maybe something in gcloud? We'll have to dig into the code and see. Was it with either the native or maven wizard? Maybe gcloud does something with cloud source repositories on deploy? That would explain the need for git. Talking to Patrick, it definitely seems like gcloud app deploy calls out to git on deploy to possibly generate source context information. So you're right that it's not something specific to Cloud Tools for Eclipse necessarily - however I want to do a bit more digging to see what's happening here.

I'm surprised we haven't heard reports of this on IntelliJ as yet.

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I'm wondering if the issue has something to do with how we're invoking the common library in Cloud Tools for Eclipse. Are we passing the current environment i. Further digging down this hole , I think the problem has to do with the PATH setting being respected by Eclipse when it's run via Finder instead of from the terminal:.

It seems like the PATH variable is not set in the same way in Eclipse as it would be if you were in the terminal - which results in this issue. There are a couple of ways I can think of to mitigate this issue..

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  • Google App Engine.
  • How to Deploy a Google App Engine Console.

We can then expose this in the deploy UI and keep this unchecked by default. If the user decides to check it, we can have some verbiage that links them over to instructions on how to deal with this problem. I think this doesn't solve the fundamental problem. If git is not installed or still not in the "real" path, the problem persists. Improving the internal code seems to be a better approach, but this is still tricky.

There is no good way to know whether you can execute git until you actually try executing it. And if git wasn't executable, Mac will assume it's not installed and suggest to install it.

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Actually, there is a way you can almost know, on Mac OS X though it might break in the future. That being said, your point stands - knowing the REAL path may not fix anything. Option 1 seems to be the most practical. You basically expose the option to the user and have it off by default. This problem doesn't manifest on the command line in the example I'm trying. So while it's fine for the SDK team to look into this issue and come up with a fix, I wouldn't block on them. The problem is exacerbated in Eclipse due to the way it functions i. We haven't seen any reports of this on the Cloud SDK issue tracker, and I imagine that if this was the case, we'd see lots of bugs on that.

Either that or people just click "Install" and move forward.

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Yep, was able to reproduce it on the command line when I removed the 'real' git's install directory from the PATH. I wonder what gcloud app deploy does on Windows or Linux if there's no git anywhere? I should probably spin up a GCE instance and find out. I had to go through maven because gcloud app deploy doesn't support appengine-web. Fix by running 'gcloud components install app-engine-java' on command-line. If you would like to get the latest version, please see our main download page at:. JGit is standalone, doesn't require OSGi.