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Once payment has been released, all sales are final and no refunds will be provided. You can always re-list the item on Poshmark! She had the same initial reaction you did but it just looked amazing on her! Cinema 2. Cinnamon 3. Circles 3. City 1. CL16 1. CL22 1. CL92A 1. Claiborne 1. Clair 5. Claire 1. Clare 2. Clarins Clark's 2.

MAC Blushette Bound for Love Review, Swatches

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Best Selling Mac Lipstick: MAC Sheen Supreme Lipstick TEA CEREMONY

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MAC Surf Baby! Collection: First Impressions, Swatches, Overview

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  • MAC Blushette Bound for Love Review, Swatches | New Love - Makeup!
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  • MAC Blushette Bound for Love Review, Swatches | New Love - Makeup!

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