Microsoft wisely replaced Entourage with Outlook. Ultimately, I use both Mail and Outlook for Mac, if for no other reason than to stay current with both platforms.

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Outlook, ultimately, gains an edge due to the clean manner in which it successfully integrates contacts and calendaring. Opening shared calendars, in particular, is easier within Outlook, in my opinion, than within Calendar.

Mail stumbles on that front. If you want the ease of use and generally acceptable performance Mail provides, you can save hundreds of dollars per Mac leveraging Mail instead of Outlook. But if you operate within an enterprise environment, you may well not have time for workarounds and simply find Outlook the best fit.

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Just be sure to give Outlook time to open and then sync changes with Exchange before exiting the program. Inside the Raspberry Pi: How self-driving tractors, AI, and precision agriculture will save us from the impending food crisis. Smart farming: How IoT, robotics, and AI are tackling one of the biggest problems of the century. Agriculture 4. How digital farming is revolutionizing the future of food. Email Print Reddit Instagram.

Mac Mail vs. Microsoft Outlook: The dirty truth - TechRepublic

It's long been the standard in Windows, but if you use a Mac or an iOS device like an iPhone or iPad, you know that Microsoft's clients are not very good on those platforms. And though the new, slicker but less-capable Outlook for iOS has improved since its poor debut , it can't handle POP emails common for Internet service providers , out-of-office notifications, or anything other than basic contacts settings. It remains awkward at handling folders. Also, it can't access notes or tasks neither can OWA.

Outlook 2016 for Mac cannot be set as the default application in Mac OS X Yosemite

I'm amazed how many people don't use Apple's Mail and Calendar clients, instead suffering with Microsoft's. Typically, they fear they won't get all the capabilities they need from Apple's clients, but that's simply not true. Apple's clients do almost everything that Microsoft's Windows and Mac clients do, and they handle much more than Microsoft's iOS clients can take on.

The only significant omission for some users is in Mail, where you can't set up a delegated user, such as an assistant, to access your email from his or her account. Yet you can delegate calendars in Calendar on the Mac, such as for group calendars or management by an assistant. There are a couple tricks that let you take advantage of capabilities that Apple's clients don't seem to support, but actually do:.

2. Scheduling

Furthermore, Apple's clients work with core Apple services such as Handoff , which lets you start work on one device and finish it on another, and data detectors, where the operating system can recognize certain data in emails and other messages, such as dates and addresses, and with a tap add them to the appropriate app. Still not convinced?

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Run the apps -- you can continue to use Microsoft's apps in parallel -- and see. Galen Gruman is executive editor of InfoWorld and author of more than 40 how-to computing books. Current Job Listings.