Mac OS 9 for Windows

Hi Jake, im over my google drive limit and had to download 5 individual rar files. Do I open them and add them in virtualbox individually and in any order or do I need to combine them first before or after opening them then add to virtualbox. Cheers Rob.

Install winrar or 7zip then right click on the first rar file and extract the vmdk file and continue following the tutorial. Nice work and thanks!! Hello Jake Thank you for your great job,ive installed macOs sierra couple month ago and it work perfectly. I just uptande my iphone to ios I have a bit PC running Windows Any idea why this is or how I can fix it?

Virtualization is on but I could only choose bit Snow Leopard. I have bit Windows 10 PC. Hi, I am stuck in the coding. After you said, you will see some geeky coding just let it sit and then you will be at Sierra instruction part. The geeky coding up sits and I am not able to get to the Sierra instruction part. Please help. If you are having issues, use the commands presented by Asad while they are still available.

All the others have issues with spacing and slashes. After correcting all those issues, I was able to get passed the not enough space error seen above and plenty of other issues. Everything worked great, but my keyboard and mouse lag really bad. Do you have any idea how to fix that. It fails everytime for me, I suspect because of the serial number being 0. VM starts but is stuck on black screen. Does not move forward.

How to Run Mac OS X Inside Windows Using VirtualBox

Though, nothing happens afterwards. Any help is appreciated. On Name: Executed after VB is closed. Hi Jake. I just installed following your tutorial.

The Easiest Way to Run Mac Software on Windows PC

It is running good and I thank you very much. I have one question. I would like to change the resolution of the screen and I only have one choice X Is it possible to have more choices and how I do that? I also have problem with my microphone. How I can fix it. Thank you for your help. Hey thanks a lot for this tutorial. A lot of other guides have tons of issues.

You made it effortless! Works on Linux too.


Yeah… this guide has been floating around for some time now, being posted by different authors. I have tried just about all the commands you can find floating around as possible solution. It may be specific to 5.

So it may be worth it to look up vmware and see if that plays more nicely with this vmdk. So anyways… i will stop rambling now. Try this: If anyone else tries the same. You find the VBoxManage program for the setextradata calls in this directory. I have followed all instructions. I developed a piece of software and yesterday a guy wrote me with a problem with my application on mac.

Now I can reproduce his error and debug it.

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Can the display resolution be increased? I am running the VM in a 4k monitor and it is taking a tiny portion of it. Would love to make it full screen or atleast fullHD. And it worked like a charm. High Sierra Thanks for the tutorial.

How to Run Mac OS X Inside Windows Using VirtualBox

Looks like most people having issues because its not mentioned in the tutorial to close the virtual box before entering the code in command prompt. If you can add it in the notes sections it would be great. Hi there, thank you for this guide. I followed all the steps mentioned but when I launched the VM I am greeted with black screen not CLI screen , its just black screen where it shows nothing. I waited for more than 30 minutes and nothing happened.

This code will work as long as you update to 5. It just seems like its repeating itself over and over. Do i just wait? I ended up using the vmdk version and booting from the hard drive. You can download the vmdk file macOS Sierra Thanks, Its working. But VM is starting in small window. How can I change the resolution of the Virtual Machine? Finally when get to the end, when i try to run the VM appear the black screen with the geek code loading the system and for 2 seconds appear a black mouse and restart.

Plus sound is messed up… I get random chirps instead of the expected audio stream. This is cool and it works great! Just one problem, I canot connect to the internet via ethernet connection. Btw i doing this just for fun, I have a macbook. IS there a way that I can upgrade my os from my vm? I am running a macOS Sierra on virtualbox 5.

Hi, thank you very much for this guide, everything works fine, except for the screen size, mine is full hd but the mac os looks in x is there any way around this?